Knoydart’s 10 Music Festival 17-18 April 2009
UPDATE: 2011 Festival announced: See for details of tickets, line-up and lots of other stuff.
Well, it’s all over now. We hope you had as good a time as we did! Watch this space for pictures and links to videos from the weekend…
Although financially we only just broke even, the event was such a success that we think we may well do it again in two years time. Again, watch this space. Check out some pictures from the weekend below.
See further below for the original festival pages, and see left for info on the bands who played. Although who knows what happened to the Celtic Storm Highland Dancers?
T-Shirts: we still have some festival t-shirts left, and are now selling them at the bargain price of £7 (they cost us £6.82!). If you would like one in XS, M or L, send a cheque made out to “Knoydart Arts Promotions”, adding £1.50 P&P, to the address below. All t-shirts are burgundy with the crowd silhouette on the front in red, and the band line-up on the back.
Knoydart Arts Promotions
Knoydart by Mallaig
PH41 4PL
Fixed the pictures issue (below). More going up very soon – Tommy.
Photos from K10 festival
Knoydart’s 10 Music Festival, presented by Knoydart Arts Promotions

What a weekend we’re lining up for you!
Looks like the party will carry on until Sunday night (at the local pub) – there will be a ferry leaving Knoydart for Mallaig at 8am on Monday morning, followed by one at 11am and one at 3pm.
Lots of people asking about coming over on Saturday – phone boat operators to find out about lifts. Saturday tickets will now be available for £30; Friday only tickets £25. Buy them on site.
What A music festival to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the community buy-out in Knoydart.
Location Long Beach, Knoydart Peninsula. Accessible only by boat from Mallaig or a long walk in from Kinlochhourn or Glenfinnan.
When Friday 17th until Sat 18th April 2009.
Who Bands include Squashy Bag Dance Band, Mystery Juice, Vaguely Cajun, Lori Watson, Daimh, Bombskare and many more, including some still to be announced (see below for rough timetable).
Accommodation Book now, or make use of our on-site campsite (camping included in ticket price).
How much £55 for the whole weekend (14-17 yr olds: £45; children are free, but still need spaces booked for them). Single-evening tickets will be available at the venue.
Food There will be a catering van on site, as well as food provided by our local pub The Old Forge and the tearoom.
Drink We are running a fully-stocked bar in the main marquee. Please ensure you have enough tobacco supplies with you as we will not be stocking cigarettes.
Getting here You need to make your own way to Knoydart. Our regular ferry, the Western Isles (01687 462320), will be leaving Mallaig at the “Knoydart Steps” at the following times on Friday: 10.15am, 2.15pm, 4.15pm, and 6.15pm. No bookings are taken for this service, but you should have no problems getting on. If you are unsure about being able to make this service, we recommend booking a small private-hire craft. These boats take in the region of 12 passengers, and are ideal for larger groups. See the list below for private-hire operators. All boat trips to Inverie, Knoydart are in the region of £9 – £12 each way.
The Western Isles ferry is timetabled to return to Mallaig at 1pm on Sunday, and will run again for anybody unable to get on this crossing. Again, larger groups are recommended to book on a small private-hire boat. The ferry is scheduled to run at 11am and 3pm on Monday.
Private boat operators (although we believe these operators to be appropriately coded and certificated you may wish to check yourself):
Bob Wright MV Knoydart 01687 460129 moraganderson(at)
Iain Wilson Calanna 01687 462844 calannaboat(at)
Mark Woombs Lophelia 01687 460046 mark(at)
If travelling from Skye or Kyle, try SeaFari:
Pete Fowler (Armadale Pier) 01471 833316
For more information check out the enquiries page.
*A note for a couple of people who have made enquiries but didn’t leave their correct email address: YES, there will be boats on the Sunday and NO dogs allowed on the campsite (sorry).
This event is organised by Knoydart Arts Promotions, a non-profit making organisation. Licence has been granted by Highland Council.
FRIDAY: Cast Ewe Ceilidh Band, Lori Watson and Rule of Three, Bombskare, Daimh
SATURDAY: Celtic Storm Highland Dancers, Vaguely Cajun, Squashy Bag Dance Band, Mystery Juice, Shooglenifty
….all glued together by our favourite DJ Dolphin Boy.