Knoydart Foundation

Community Directors Meeting

Held Thursday 31st January 2019

Village Hall, 4pm – 6.50pm

Present:  Grant Holroyd (chair), Kristy Brown, Frank Atherly

In Attendance:  Roger Trussell, Liz Tibbetts, Craig Dunn, Angela Williams

Minutes taken by:  Kristy Brown

1.          Apologies

            Jane Davies, Ian Robertson

2.         Declarations of interest

            Grant KFT

3.         Minutes of meeting

            11th December 18  – Approved with 25% amendment made

4.         Matters Arising


5.         Operations Manager

      Craig talked us through his power point presentation of his operational plan.  The targets are in the Operational Calendar in draft form which have also been emailed directors.  Craig fielded questions regarding his presentation.  All directors wereplease d with Craig’s proposed action plan. Roger queried whether KF owed any outstanding monies to CMCK ACTION Craig

6.         Personnel

     Craig – Discussion of Craig’s Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of    Employment.  To give feedback to Grant by Sunday ACTION All

     Liz left meeting

     Ang – need to revise Job Spec/Contract and have a discussion regarding line          management, need to put more thought into this.  ACTION All

     Mags – email noted.  Grant to have a line management meeting with Mags ACTION         Grant 

     Angela joined meeting

7.         Knoydart Renewables

Angela talked through an update on KR for  – Our aim is to secure our supply for the next 40 years.

New Pipeline
 – visit on site with Highland eco earlier this month gives confidence that there are contractors out there who would be interested in  doing the works
 – we are going to be undertaking the design side of works separately to the build side. First priority is to go out for quotes for work that take us to the stage of submitting planning permission – this will include detailed survey of routes, environmental surveys etc. This is time critical due to aspects of the survey work likely to be required. Brief being reviewed and improved. Meeting next week (tbc) with funders etc to take forward. Aim to get on public procurement website by end of next week
 – to get to this stage could cost between 50 and 60k – discussions ongoing with HIE and LES regarding scope for additional funding
 – have submitted screening for new pipeline route/track. Feedback from SNH is ok  – indications at the moment are that they wouldn’t object as long as we have the right mitigation measures in place. Waiting for feedback from planning which should be any day now.
Turbine/generator/control system/monitoring 
 – have been in touch with Gilkes regarding options for upgrade/new generator/turbine to meet our project aim
 – brief to be written to go out to other potential suppliers of turbines

Distribution system
 – will aim to speak to Jim Wilson in first instance regarding sustainability of distribution system

 – have secured around 5k from awards for all for payment of ‘critical
 – need to resubmit bid to pebble Trust

From next week AW will be able to commit her 15 hours a week to driving forward the project which will lead to more action. Issue with our debtor has been a time consuming distraction.

Roger left meeting

Discussion regarding Angela’s transition to 15hrs for KR only from start of February.  Thought it best for any additional work that Angela may have to undertake on behalf of KF, to be invoiced or paid additionally and definitely not to come out of her 15hrs of KR time.  Ang to double check with Mags re invoicing ACTION Angela  Discussion regarding contract, needs to be finalised ACTION Grant/Angela and any finer details re hours/logistics are best to be discussed between Angela/Roger  ACTION Angela/Roger

8.         Housing

     a. A Frame

     Craig explained Johann had inspected the property and has detailed immediate   work needing doing and Colin King needs to do some work also.  It was       noted that       there has been individuals and businesses interested in applying for the A Frame and discussed how we deal with it.  Craig to advertise 2 week deadline when back at    work on Monday ACTION Craig and then we can schedule an allocations meeting.

     b.  Manitoba’s

     In hand and repairs scheduled for February.

     c.  Rhona’s Chimney

     Works required to the chimney have been quoted by CMCK for £2,800.00 – budget          approved by all and Craig has scheduled work to start in 3rd week of February.

9.         Leases

     a.  Bowyers

     Tim no longer wants to lease Area A as he thinks he may actually own it.  He has also       suggested changes to the lease agreement to the solicitor.  Frank to look into further     ACTION Frank

     b.  Bailey’s

     Frank is still dealing with this and thinks it’s a simple matter of regularisation of    curtilage with all legal fees to be met by the Bailey’s.

10.       Rural Housing Burden Plots

   David Haines is likely to be resolved in the next few weeks.  The 3 plotters in Sawmill Wood (Amie/Iain, Johann and Mark) are to be given formal permission to proceed with preliminary works.

11.       Significant Email Action

     Stone: KFT/Kilchoan, Frank and Kristy approved via email and written terms of     arrangements to be formalised ACTION Grant/Craig

     Mag’s email ACTION Grant as above

12.       Any Other Business

     Maintenance Budget – Craig enquired about a policy for budget for maintenance tasks and what approval he needed from the board.  Craig to produce a draft budget for next meetings ACTION Craig

     Caravan site in Piggeries – Ang said that the Planner had been in touch with her    before Christmas regarding needing outstanding information.  Discussion about             who should deal with this during handover ACTION Ang or if no time Craig  Angela        flagged up whether we were wanting to rent it out to staff or if free (this has an       impact on affordability for staff travelling here to work).   Clearance works still             need to be done and a budget made ACTION Craig

13.       Review of Action Points

January 2019 

CMCK owed money by KF?                                                                 Craig

Craig’s Terms/Conditions of employment by Sunday                         All

Finalise Angela’s Contract/Job description                                         Angela/Grant

Line Management meeting with Mags                                               Grant

Check with Mags re time for KF                                                          Angela

Finer discussion re KR hours details/logistics                                     Angela/Roger

Advertise A Frame application deadline                                             Craig

Bowyers lease, look into suggested changes                                     Frank

Draft budget for maintenance tasks – ready for next meeting          Craig

Caravan site at piggeries – planning permission                                 Angela/Craig

Plan for clearance works & budget for caravan site                          Craig

December 2018

Look into Huts finances more in depth                                               Mags

Point of contact for Amie re huts consultation                                   Ian

Priorities for Craig when he starts, ask input from Ang/Mags           Grant

Craig’s Job description, contract and performance management     Grant

Liase with Davie & Johann re reducing costs re office                       Kristy

Written permission for KFT to widen turning corner by Tims proposed tractor shed                                                                                                                       Frank

14.       DONM

Tuesday 12th February