Knoydart Foundation

Community Directors Meeting

Held Thursday 12th February 2019

Village Hall, 4pm – 5.45pm

Present:  Grant Holroyd (chair), Kristy Brown, Ian Robertson, Jane Davies

In Attendance:  Liz Tibbetts, Craig Dunn, Margaret Duncan

Minutes taken by:  Kristy Brown

1.          Apologies

            Frank Atherly

2.         Declarations of interest

            Mags – Item 6

3.         Minutes of meeting

            31st January – Approved

4.         Matters Arising

                a. Minutes of meetings

            Hard copy of each months minutes to be signed and kept in a folder in KF display room.  ACTION Kristy  Plan for digital copies available to all online to negate the    need for distributing minutes.  ACTION Craig Best Practise Guidance to be sought for           minute taking.  ACTION Kristy/Craig  Need was highlighted for technical information             to be double checked with the contributor before approving.

5.         Session led by Operations Manager

                Craig led a session on brand, vision, mission, values and strategies.  Documents will         be sent out to all directors of KF group companies, Angela and Mags to complete. 

6.         Mag’s Accommodation

                Title should read Piggeries site for caravan.  Angela has today sent off all the         outstanding items requested by the planners.  Discussion regarding budget (if it is      feasible), Craig to liaise with Mags and come up with budget ACTION Craig.  It was highlighted that workers/volunteers that come in and stay for a few days, incur            substantial costs with ferry passage and accommodation is hard to secure in the             tourist season and is expensive.  Discussion regarding cost centre to be continued.           ACTION Grant/Mags

7.            Meetings Schedule for 2019

            Proposed to change the meeting day to the 2nd Monday of each month (to          accommodate those who find Tuesdays problematic) 4pm-5.30pm.  KT and KR to             alternate on a bi monthly basis (if approved) 6pm- 7.30pm.  KR meeting to start off     on 11th March.  All KF group and board meetings to be scheduled, circulated and       written into the community diary.  ACTION Craig   

11.       Significant Email Action

                a. HR Consultancy

            KF directors are fully aware and committed to a review in April with external        assistance.  Consultancy help needs to be sourced.  ACTION Craig

            b. Communication with Mags

            Grant and Mags have a line management meeting organised.

            c. Suggestion for changeover switch in the Bunkhouse

            Craig will forward email to Liz.  ACTION Craig

12.       Any Other Business

                Village Hall

            KF group have been asked if they would donate a service/product for the silent    auction, ideas to be considered.  ACTION All

13.       Review of Action Points

                February 2019

            Hard copy of each months minutes to be signed and kept in a folder in KF display room – Kristy

            Digital copies available to all online to negate the need for distributing minutes-Craig

            Best Practise Guidance to be sought for minute taking – Kristy/Craig

            Liaise with Mags and come up with budget for piggeries/caravan – Craig

            Discussion regarding accommodation cost centre to be continued – Grant/Mags

            All KF group and board meetings to be scheduled, circulated and written into the community diary – Craig  

Craig to forward email re changeover switch in Bunkhouse to Liz – Craig

HR Consultancy help to be sourced – Craig

Finished costs for new office build – Craig

KF group have been asked if they would donate a service/product for the silent    auction, ideas to be considered – All

January 2019 – Ongoing

Finalise Angela’s Contract/Job description                                         Angela/Grant

Finer discussion re KR hours details/logistics                                     Angela/Roger

Bowyers lease, look into suggested changes                                     Frank

Draft budget for maintenance tasks – ready for next meeting          Craig

Caravan site at piggeries – planning permission                                 Angela/Craig

Plan for clearance works & budget for caravan site                          Craig

December 2018 – Ongoing

Look into Huts finances more in depth                                               Mags

Point of contact for Amie re huts consultation                                   Ian

14.       DONM

Monday 11th March 2019, 4pm