Knoydart Foundation
Community Directors Meeting
Held Tuesday 11th March 2019
Village Hall, 4pm – 6pm
Present: Grant Holroyd (chair), Kristy Brown, Jane Davies
In Attendance: Liz Tibbetts, Craig Dunn, Margaret Duncan
Minutes taken by: Kristy Brown
1. Apologies
Frank Atherly, Ian Robertson
2. Declarations of interest
Grant – Item 8 KFT
Kristy – Item 9 JB’s Hours
3. Minutes of meeting
12th February 2019 – Approved
4. Matters Arising
5. Post Office
A representative from the Post Office is due to visit this week, after that visit it will be clearer what services could be provided and what scope there is in terms of income. Everyone is clear that it would have to cover its full costs and share of overheads. Once we have more information it would be a good idea to consult the community on what services they would use/like to see available. All agree that logically Trading should take this forward but needs to be discussed with Mags. ACTION Liz (Liz left the meeting)
6. Hut Consultation
Feed back from the consultation was discussed and it was agreed to pass back to Craig to ask Amie more questions ACTION Craig. Recommended not to publish the feedback until we have further information. (Mags entered the meeting). Mags not able to look at the financial aspect until end of April.
7. Land West of Westfield
Proceeds from sale of this land was originally intended for redevelop Manitoba’s. Recommend that before Sale of Land is considered we need to seek the approval of the Full Board to re-designate funds (after sale/legal costs) to critical infrastructure projects (ie Manitoba’s, Hydro etc). ACTION Craig
8. KFT – New Woodland Proposals
KFT seeking authorisation to revise the Woodland Plan – Directors agree to recommend for approval by the Full Board ACTION Craig. (Frank has emailed his support). Query regarding access points addressed.
9. JB’s Hours
Discussion regarding JB now over his allocated paid hours. Agreed payment for hours needed to complete essential work proposed and the need for a system whereby the issue doesn’t arise again. ACTION Craig/Mags
10. New Office
Craig now project managing going forward and circulated office costs to finish. Budget implications to be considered ACTION Mags. Review costs to see if there can be any further savings ACTION Craig. Realistic finish date is the end of April. Any further contracts to be undertaken need to be fixed price with penalties.
11. Email Action
No significant email action.
12. Any Other Business
a. Piggeries Caravan site
2 actions outstanding required by Planners, Craig has requested access to planning portal to sort. ACTION Craig
b. Ferry Contract
Discussion regarding the need for KF to respond to the consultation as a business. ACTION Craig
c. AW’s resignation from KR
Angela has handed in her notice for KR – week commencing 27th May. Discussion regarding the need to book time with her. ACTION Mags/Craig KF need to seek reassurance from KR that the pipeline project is on track, ask for a monthly report. ACTION Grant/Frank Query regarding relocation of estate deeds from HC offices to solicitors in Stornoway. ACTION Craig/Grant Bank Mandate now more pressing, get approval by the Finance Sub Committee ACTION Mags Compile action points from last few years to see if we’re missing anything important. ACTION Kristy
d. Shared Drive for Meeting Minutes
Craig has implemented and will send a link so approved users can access.
e. Right of Servitude request
Discussion regarding request. Needs to be put in writing, their agreement to pay all legal costs and charged a handling fee. Need to define current ownership so we don’t lose any access. ACTION Craig
13. Review of Action Points
March – Current
Post Office/Trading discussion with Mags – Liz
Hut consultation feedback – discuss with Amie – Craig
KF Full Board agenda – Redesignation of funds from sale of land – Craig
KF Full Board agenda Revision of Woodland Plan – Craig
JB’s hours – Craig/Mags
New office budget implications to be considered – Mags
New Office potential savings – Craig
Outstanding Planning for Caravan at Piggeries – Craig
Ferry Contract Consultation response – Craig
Book time with Ang – Mags/Craig
Request monthly report from KR for pipeline project – Grant/Frank
Estate deeds, send Grant email reminder – Craig/Grant
Bank Mandate approval Finance Sub Committee 26th March – Mags
Compile action points – Kristy
Right of servitude request/define current ownership – Craig
February 2019 – Ongoing
Liaise with Mags and come up with budget for piggeries/caravan – Craig
Discussion regarding accommodation cost centre to be continued – Grant/Mags
HR Consultancy help to be sourced – Craig
January 2019 – Ongoing
Finalise Angela’s Contract/Job description Angela/Grant
Finer discussion re KR hours details/logistics Angela/Roger
December 2018 – Ongoing
Look into Huts finances more in depth Mags
14. DONM
KF Full Board Meeting – Tuesday 2nd April 3-5pm
Community Directors Meeting – Monday 13th May 4pm