There have been big changes in recent years regarding access to the Scottish hills, and the Knoydart Foundation fully support and encourage responsible access by hillwalkers and other user-groups year-round.
As with all areas of Scotland, the local Ranger Service is responsible for disseminating information on access and dealing with any access issues that landowners or users may have. If you have a question or problem regarding access please contact our ranger service:
Visitors are welcome to walk or cycle anywhere on Foundation ground, except private gardens, buildings and agricultural areas which may pose a health and safety threat to the visitor. This is the same throughout Scotland, so applies to neighbouring estates as well.
We welcome wild campers as long as they follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. Please click here to find out more about our campsite located at Long Beach, Inverie.
As part of our conservation aims, we cull deer every year, and we appreciate walkers finding out where stalking is taking place so these areas can be avoided. A map showing where stalking is taking place is displayed daily in the Foundation display room window. You can also contact us directly to find out more. We will always try and suggest an alternative route to the top of any particular mountain if your intended route would disrupt a stalk.
For more information on Knoydart Foundation access, please see the Foundation Access Leaflet.
If you would like to contact surrounding estates for access details, their details are below:
Barisdale: 01599 522302 (radiophone),
Camusrory: TBC (radiophone)
Glendessary: 01349 884111,
Kilchoan: 01687 462724 / 472133,
Kingie: 01809 511261
Nevis: 01687 462723
North Morar: 01386 700667