Knoydart Foundation
Community Directors Meeting
Monday 13th July 4:00 p.m. 2020
Attending Via Tele Conf: Grant Holroyd (GH) Chair, Jane Davies (JD), Morag Anderson (MA), Iain Robertson (IR), Denise Atherley (DA).
Also Attending: Craig Dunn (CD), Louise Costello (LC) Matt Humphrey (MH)
Minutes taken by: Louise Costello (LC)
Approval of Previous Minutes:
Amendment to wording on Point 2 of previous minutes. Changes to the Bunkhouse explained. Election schedule and updated membership actioned. Minutes approved.
Declaration of interest:
DA – Des
Matters Arising:
- Housing Burden Scheme
a. Decision on Des’ application investigation.
The decision was taken from the board that a letter should be sent to Des, with the wording agreed by all board members. “It appears from evidence recently received that at the time of filling in your eligibility criteria that you were not eligible for a plot. The Directors are minded therefore to refuse your application on that basis. “ He has the opportunity to withdraw his application or re-apply with new eligibility criteria or respond.
ACTION CD – Draft wording and send for approval.
b. Updated Eligibility Process
MA, DA, IR reviewed the current process and have recommended a separate meeting.
ACTION DA & MA – Arrange a date and time for the meeting and circulate to the rest of the board - Website – Ready to go live
a. Any feedback
Updated website sent for review. The site will be going live this week, included will be the booking system for Bunkhouse and Ranger services with the ability to pay online.
Any changes needed after going live can be made.
b. Future Roadmap
The Shop to go live with online shopping, i.e. Venison etc.
Any suggestions welcome. - Millburn Community Consultation Update
Consultation Survey 2020 sent out, 60 responses so far, on houses and businesses.
HSCHT consultation is in August the case to be completed and actioned by 31.08.20. The community consultation with need to be completed by this date.
ACTION CD – Add Contacting neighbours to Millburn to the project timeline
ACTION CD – Send timeline to all directors & the community. - Constitution Update
a. Where we are at with Dale Meegan looking at making our constitution SLF compliant.
Dale Meegan is still working on the draft for the new update including the housing review on right to buy under the articles.
The Board decided a further meeting was needed to discuss the update of the constitution; this will be on Wednesday 14th July 2020 5pm.
ACTION GH – Update the directors with the new details from Dale Meegan & further details on events. - Westfield Update
Sale of Westfield was due to go through June, should be completed by end of July. - Volunteer Task List.
Ideas wanted for the projects/tasks that need volunteering.
ACTION CD – List of ideas to be sent to board members.
ACTION CD – Process required. If any projects are taken on by a board member the tasks to complete and scope must be agreed by the board. - Venison Production
a. Put in Septic Tank for end of July – Costs vs Return – Trading pay for every carcass increase in income from Trading to Foundation of £5,000 p.a. Likely to increase next year. Awaiting costs.
Matt Porter put forward a business plan. Investment from KF to KT.
Jim Brown discussing with SEPA regarding the process and costs, relating to the septic tank. Stage 1- Mince and burgers, Stage 2- Game dealer, Stage 3 -Smoked.
b. Apply for SEPA approval.
Jim Brown is contacting SEPA regarding the process.
c. Rent review of Larder
Look at free rental for 12 months.
ACTION CD – Send business plan out. - CMCK Deal on Use of Software
a. Garage –
b. Tool Hire
c. Office Space
d. Vehicles
CMCK want to use KF software and give them a % of the profits on the above.
ACTION CD – Check who will be responsible for the insurance - Membership
a. C&A Dunn
Full board authorisation needed. Form checked and agreed by the board.
Membership granted once election register confirmed by DA
ACTION DA – To call and check the election register. - Airwave Mast Update
The government want to extend the amount of land they use for the mast when they install a new one. This may include a track to the mast. CD in discussions with our solicitors over the land and track issues.
Any Other Business
Date of Next Meeting 10/8/20