Knoydart Foundation
Community Directors Meeting
Monday 12th October 4:00 p.m. 2020
Attending Via Tele Conf: Grant Holroyd (GH) Chair, Jane Davies (JD), Iain Robertson (IR), Denise Atherley (DA).
Also Attending: Craig Dunn (CD), Louise Costello (LC)
Apologies: Morag Anderson (MA),
Minutes taken by: Louise Costello (LC)
Declarations of Interest: DA – Friendship

  1. Membership Policy
    Discussion on Membership policy and agreed there were three key things to decide.
    a. Agree the process for gaining membership
    b. What to do if someone circumstances changes
    c. How to remove someone.
    Discussion on what could help determine whether a person is a resident or not.
    The board agree to review the membership twice per year.
    Agreed by the board that guidance notes are needed for the directors.
    Board agreed that a standard process should be in place if any members status is called into question.
    The membership list was reviewed and discussed by the board.
    The board agreed that this year with Covid-19 was an exceptional year which makes it very difficult to review the membership in the normal way.
    Action CD: Speak to Rory regarding insolvency, bankruptcy
    Action CD: Check with Rory whether there should be a 15.6 article on reclassing a member as non-member and that this means their membership can be terminated.
    Action DA: Review the membership list by setting dates for review
  2. Memberships Discussion
    Agreed a further meeting is needed to discuss existing members membership, ant that it should be put on hold until the criteria is agreed.
    Board agreed that more information is needed from these members
    Action – All – Agree the guidance notes before the next board meeting.
    Any Other Business
    Date of Next Meeting
    21st October 2020