Knoydart Foundation
Community Directors Meeting
Monday 9th November 4.00 p.m. 2020
Attending Via Tele Conf: Grant Holroyd, Ian Robertson, Morag Anderson, Denise Atherley, Sam Gardener
Also Attending: Craig Dunn
Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn
Declarations of Interest: All in item 10.
Apologies: Louise Costello
Approval of Minutes:
October and September
Add apologies for DA and MA for September Minutes
September Minutes approved.
October Minutes approved.
Sam Gardener joined the meeting.
Matters Arising:

  1. Membership Form
    Membership Form approved by the board.
    ACTION – CD – Stick on the newsletter and put on website
  2. Grievance Procedure
    Grievance Procedure document approved by the board.
    ACTION – CD – Ask HR to make sure people have seen, read and understood it.
  3. Whistleblower Procedure
    Whistle blowing policy approved by the board
  4. Huts Project Update
    Board agreed to ask Toby for a price for this project and if we require further quotes.
    ACTION – CD – Ask for an electricity connection from Renewables
    ACTION – CD – To put out document to community consultation
    ACTION – CD – Email Ian Philp keen to press on, need to know conditions.
    ACTION – CD/MA/IR – speak to all the nearest neighbours.
  5. Future Ranger Provision
    Board agreed to postpone the discussion on future Ranger Provision until HR process is complete.
    Board has agreed to continue to take bookings for campsite, cycle hire etc.
  6. Rent Review
    ACTION – CD – Send proposed rent increases to Housing Trust for their comments.
    Craig Dunn and Sam Gardener declared an interest.
  7. Round Robin Access
    ACTION – CD – Get GDPR process from HR Dept and set up a system for another user.
  8. Finance Update
    a. Cashflow
    Options for increasing sales and reduce outgoings.
    Sell Venison online for Christmas
    Sale of Plots
    b. Valuation of Fixed Assets
    ACTION – CD – Let NFU know the new valuations.
    ACTION – CD – to provide the figures ahead of the next meeting.
  9. Letter of support for the Shelter on the Pier
    ACTION – DA – compose letter of support.
  10. Global Climate and Biodiversity Crisis
    Any Other Business
    Date of Next Meeting