It is with great pleasure that we can announce that we have been successful in our application for funding to purchase Millburn Cottage and the surrounding land.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers, board members, staff, the Scottish Land Fund, Communities Housing Trust, Community Land Scotland, DTAS and our legal team for helping to make this happen. Also, thanks to the owner for their patience and willingness to sell to the community.
We now enter a period of finalising the sale and anticipate, all being well, it going through on February 1st, 2021.
We now have to create and agree a Foundation-wide Housing Plan plus further develop a plan for Millburn Cottage and it’s surrounding land.
We look forward to consulting on this with the community as we go forwards.
Millburn and it’s surrounding land is strategically placed keystone site on the west side of Inverie, the main area of population on Knoydart. It has potential for renovation, new affordable housing, various devolved tenures, renewables innovation hub, agriculture, forestry and leisure.
The Knoydart Foundation hosted a consultation day at the site on a warm summer afternoon where it invited members of the community to come and view and ask questions. The community has put forward a huge number of ideas for the land and the cottage.
This represents further steps forwards by the Knoydart Foundation to regenerate Knoydart.