Knoydart Foundation
Community Directors Meeting
Monday 14th December 4:00 p.m. 2020
Attending Via Tele Conf: Grant Holroyd (Chair), Ian Robertson, Morag Anderson, Sam Gardener
Apologies: Denise Atherley, Allan Henderson, Richard Williams
Also Attending: Craig Dunn, Louise Costello, Louise Grant (Accountants)
Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn
Declarations of Interest:
Morag Anderson on Point 8
Approval of Minutes:
23/11 – SG proposed IR seconded
27/11 – Add ACTION – to look at future consultations as we go. Based on that MA proposed IR Seconded.
Matters Arising:

  1. Larder Lease and Possible Loan from KF to KT
    a. Is the lease acceptable?
    After discussion, the Board agreed to a lease in principle.
    Board agree to sell all venison to KT in principle but needs further clarification on possible future scenarios.
    LC and Accountants to work out the most appropriate financial way of setting this agreement up.
    Board agreed to add flexibility to the lease with annual review.
    ACTION – LG – To forward bullet points on how to take this forwards.
    The existing loan from KF to KT was clarified.
    b. Would the KF loan KT money to finish the larder?
    If the KF and KT can afford it then in principle a loan could be arranged.
  2. Huts Project Next Steps
    a. Finalise temporary location at Millburn
    Board agreed to discuss location with Toby and to allow for future strategic needs at Millburn.
    ACTION – ? – Discuss location with Toby.
  3. Proposed Plans for Millburn
    a. What we have to do for funding
    The Indicators for funding were discussed.
    b. Set up a working group?
    Proposal to set up a working group to take Millburn development forwards.
    ACTION – CD – Send email asking directors on how to take the working group forwards and how to set up a remit for the working group.
  4. Financial update
    a. Go over the P&L
    CD – Presented projected figures and possible scenarios for the next year.
    ACTION – CD – Proposed Wage Increases should be shown in projected figures.
    Accountants discussed future updates.
    b. Approve list of changes
    ACTION – CD – to propose list of changes.
    ACTION – CD – Add contingency, Training to the projected figures.
  5. JMT Joint Vision Update
    a. Where we’re at with this work
    ACTION – BOARD – to read this and feedback on how to take it forwards.
  6. Membership Applications
    a. Two new applications to consider.
    ACTION – CD – potential members to get back to us when they submit a complete application.
  7. Housing Document from CHT
    a. Do we agree to this plan?
    ACTION – Board- to read Morven from CHT proposal
    ACTION – Morven – to send final copy.
  8. Morag and Bobs House
    Moved to end of meeting.
    Morag Anderson left meeting prior to this point being discussed.
    a. Should the KF pursue this offer?
    b. How should MA deal with being a Director during this period?
    ACTION – Outcome of the discussion is inconclusive.
    ACTION – CD – To check with Scottish Land Fund questions on funding and value.
  9. Pre-send out agenda and Zoom link
    Board agreed to give it a try.
    Various things to think about to make it work properly.
    ACTION – CD – to create guidance for attendees.
  10. Do we need Terms of Reference for Community Directors
    ACTION – CD – DTAS to do training, when can we do this.
    For the time being directors agreed to have a full board meeting every quarter, coinciding with financial reports, in between, there’s a monthly Community Directors meeting.
    Directors have to remember that any decisions have to be ratified by the full board.
    ACTION – CD – Ensure this is on the next Full Board meeting in January.
    Any Other Business
    Date of Next Meeting
    11th of January, 2020