Community Directors Meeting
Held on 8th of February 2021 at 4.00 p.m.
Attending Via Tele Conf: Grant Holroyd (Chair), Morag Anderson, Denise Atherley, Sam Gardener, Ian Robertson
Also Attending: Craig Dunn, Fiona Lennie
Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn
Declarations of Interest:
5a – Grant Holroyd
5c – Denise Atherley
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from 20200111 approved.
Matters Arising:

  1. Financial Update
    a. Cashflow and bank accounts
    Craig Dunn gave and update on cashflow
    b. How each department is fairing (Dashboard)
    ACTION – CD – Set up a Strategy / Finance meeting after strategy document has been shared. Ensure that accountants and Louise are attending.
  2. Policies and Procedures
    a. Zoom Meetings for Community Members – sign off
    Policy adopted
    ACTION – CD – Change to adopted status.
    b. GDPR Documents – sign off
    ACTION – DA – to read through the documents more thoroughly before making recommendation at next board meeting.
  3. Membership Applications
    a. New Membership applications for consideration
    ACTION – CD – Change the “There” in the guidance notes of application form.
    Directors undecided on application.
    ACTION – CD – Sent a letter. Directors are undecided on whether you meet the criteria. Directors have been considering creating associate members this may be better for you. We will be in touch once this becomes available.
  4. Projects
    a. New/Proposed
  5. CCN Events
    ACTION – BOARD – To read and get back with feedback on the Terms of Reference supplied by end of the week.
  6. Future Ranger Provision
    ACTION – CD – To provide job description and vision for the service going forwards.
    b. Updates on Existing
    CD gave a brief update on the various projects that are currently ongoing.
  7. Huts
  8. Bunkhouse
  9. Constitution
  10. Millburn
    ACTION – BOARD – to review the working group terms by the end of the week.
  11. Housing Plan
    Board agreed with the Housing Plan from CHT.
    ACTION – CD – to inform CHT that the proposal was approved.
  12. Housing Rents
  13. RHB Plots
  14. Shop Area
  15. Larder Lease
  16. Huts and Caravan Lease
  17. Terms of Reference for Community Directors
    ACTION – DA – Update for next Full Board Meeting
  18. Strategy Plan- Feedback
    The board gave feedback on the Strategy document produced. Largely positive.
    ACTION – CD – To produce final high-level document and recommend next steps.
  19. JMT Joint Vision –
    Meeting scheduled with RW/DB to see if we can take it forward.
  20. PM System
  21. Any Other Business
    a. Burial Ground
    FL – revisited the proposal.
    ACTION – FL – To put together a word document for CD to produce Survey Monkey consultation.
    b. Friends of Loch Hourn request
    Not discussed
    c. Rural Housing Burden Email
    ACTION – CD – to ask CHT for advice on how to handle this.
    FL left meeting
    GH asked for feedback on how the meetings are going and how they could be improved. A general discussion followed where everyone contributed their opinions.
    Date of Next Meeting
    8th March, 2021 @ 4.00p.m