Knoydart Foundation

Community Directors Meeting

Monday 9th August 4:00 p.m. 2021

Attending :  Grant Holroyd (Chair), Morag Anderson, Ian Robertson, Sam Gardener

Attending via Zoom: Richard Williams

Also Attending: Craig Dunn

Apologies: Denise Atherley, Allan Henderson

Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn

Declarations of Interest:

               GH declared an interest in Agenda Point 2.

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes of 12/7/21 approved

Matters Arising:

Priority List

The board discussed the priority list. No actions to be taken.

Items for Decision

1. RHB – Trisha Birch

ACTION – CD – Send a reply to advise that she put her application on hold until her membership is sorted and she has been here two years.

2. RHB – Will O’Neill

Will’s Application Form was scored and the Application Approved.

There followed a discussion on plot availability.

The board agreed that we could confirm with him that the plot at Sawmill wood was available for him.

ACTION – CD – Let Will know his application was approved, clarify next steps. 

3. Credit Card Policy

Subject to PO System being put in place to approve payments this is approved.

ACTION – CD – Clarify our written policies on purchase approvals and spending limits

Items for Discussion

4. Financial Update

               CD gave a brief financial update and made available full P&L for the board to read.

5. Business Plan and Structure Document

               CD presented the first draft business plan for feedback on layout and content.

ACTION – CD  – Put the financials on to a fourth page.

ACTION – CD – Put in big block letters DRAFT on title of the plan

ACTION – CD  – Make amendments to Structure document

ACTION – Board – to feedback on business Plan by end of play 13th August

6. RHB – Update on Kyle’s next steps

Board approved the definition of “Exceptional circumstance”.   Exceptional circumstance is where we have an application from a family that brings multiple benefits of critical strategic value to the community.

ACTION – CD – to reply to Kyle and say that we’ve agreed to his eligibility of the scheme.  Send copy of reply from JL based on his response.

ACTION – CD – add what exceptional circumstances are to the application form.

7. Pay rates for stalking

Board agreed to the requested wages increase.

Items for Information Only

8. Richard Williams JMT potential funding opportunity

Board Agreed to the JMT expression on interest in Aracadia funding.

ACTION – CD  – Arrange first 1 hour meeting – Flaura and Fauna International (Kerri W)  – GH – JB – CD – RW –

ACTION – RW – Background Info

9. Black Hills Project

Board discussed JB’s proposal and GH gave an overview.

Board agreed to the go ahead with the feasibility.

10. Worker Accommodation

               CD gave an update.

11. Millburn Build Project Proposal


Elections wording for nominations

               ACTION – CD – to send out relevant wording.

Confirm who is standing down.

It was confirmed which directors are standing down.  With Ian Robertson and Morag Anderson standing down and MA standing for re-election.

Director Recruitment

               Briefly discussed.

Burial Ground Proposal

It was agreed that in order to give the proposal the consideration it was due to add it to the agenda of the next board meeting.

GH sent an email to JL, covering Kyles RHB, Hydro, Stephs plot, Laggan road, Westfield Plot, Registering KF’s land.

Date of next meeting

September 13th