Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall
4.00 p.m. 13th September 2021
Attending in person: Grant Holroyd (Chair), Denise Atherley, Morag Anderson, Sam Gardener, Ian Robertson
Also Attending: Craig Dunn, Louise Costello, Fiona Lennie, Corinna Calder
Attending Via Tele Conf:
Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn
Declarations of Interest:
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of 10th of August were approved by the board.
Matters Arising:
Priority List
CD gave an overview of the priority list.
Strategy – CD informed the board the draft business plan was available for feedback.
HR – Peninsula UK engaged as of this week. It was noted that the terms by which Foundation staff are engaged in work by the subsidiaries needs clarifying and that there is a meeting on 20th September to iron this out.
ACTION – Board – Board members SG and DA both agreed to be present at the meeting on the 20th September.
Housing – an update on Millburn was given and a brief discussion took place on next actions.
ACTION – AH – Send Email to Planning Department to see if feedback can be speeded up.
It was noted that the Housing Plan was well received.
Also noted was the intention to retain the pink A-Frame as flexible accommodation.
Items for Decision
- Election of Directors
In full view AH opened the ballot box.
RW announced the votes.
CD noted the votes on a sheet of ballot numbers and nominees.
CD counted the votes
DA double checked and validated the count.
It was agreed that Anna Wilson and Davie Newton had been elected to the board.
ACTION – CD – to send relevant Directors Pack and update Companies House.
GH thanked IR and MA for their contributions to the Foundation during their directorships.
- Membership Applications
The board review the applications from Tom Dalziel and Jane Hollowood.
The board agreed that they should be valid for membership pending confirmation of polling records.
GH thanked IR and MA for their contribution to the Foundation during their time.
Items for Discussion
- Financial Update
CD gave a brief financial update confirming that the Foundation made a profit in June 2020.
- Business Plan Draft
The business plan was discussed in positive terms.
ACTION – CD – to make available to members.
- RHB – Update on Kyle’s next steps
CD gave an update on Kyle Smiths RHB application progress.
ACTION – CD – to confirm with JL that he is to go ahead and produce the second set of templates for this particular circumstance. To inform KS to identify a plot.
Items for Information Only
11th October 2021