
Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall

4.00 p.m. 11th October 2021

Attending in person:   Grant Holroyd (Chair), Anna Wilson, Davie Newton, Sam Gardener, Denise Atherley

Attending Via Tele Conf:

Apologies: Allan Henderson, Richard Williams

Also Attending: Craig Dunn, Louise Costello, Corinna Calder

Minutes taken by: CD

Declarations of Interest:

Approval of Minutes:

Previous minutes approved

Matters Arising:

DA and SG did not attend the Trading Meeting as discussed.

GH welcomed to AW and DN to the board.

Board agreed to GH to be Chair and appointed DA to run meetings as Vice Chair if GH is unavailable.

GH suggested that a 5 min appraisal of a meeting should be held at the end of each Directors meeting went.  Board agreed to try this idea.

Priority List

Review the list

CD went through each item on the Priority List and gave an update.

ACTION – CD – to investigate why some people haven’t received the Business Plan via email.

ACTION – CD – to rejig the Business Plan format and redistribute

Board agreed to DA to work with CD on policies and processes for HR in conjunction with the HR company.

A discussion took place on the Black Hills Project and an explanation of the history and evolution of the project, plus future communication to the community.

A discussion on a possible Project Officer shared resource in conjunction with the CBS took place.

ACTION – CD – Discussion and suggestions needed on how all the community groups communicate

Items for Decision

  1. Membership Applications

DA confirmed checks had been pass for the following people and that they should be approved for membership. Tom Dalziel, Jane Hollowood, Corinna Calder, Anna Robertson and Piers Trussell had memberships approved

Struan Robertson – approved subject to information checks

ACTION – CD – Add to membership list

  1. Salary Decision

There was a discussion on salary decision process.

The Board agreed to increase LC’s salary.

ACTION – CD – Get the wage review process on to the list for James Hilder

  1. Rural Housing Burden Changes

CD gave a brief summary of CHT’s email asking to add two conditions to the burden for future RHB’s.

ACTION – CD – Send CHT email and John Leyshons questions to the Board and put on agenda for next month.

ACTION – CD – Send JL’s comments to CHT for their response. noting that the board have not yet  properly considered Johns suggestions and they do not necessarily represent the view of the bard.

  1. Options for Millburn Single Contractor and Building Survey

CD gave a brief summary of two costs associated with next stage of the Millburn Cottage renovation.

ACTION – CD – To get back to HIE to ask for funding.

The board Agreed to costs to be met.

CD then gave a summary of CHT’s recommendation for tendering process for the renovation of Millburn Cottage and build of two semi-detached houses.

GH declared an interest in friendship with Toby Robinson.

DN  declared an interest due to previous working experience with Toby Robinson.

After a discussion what the options were, the Board agreed to option 3 from CHT’s recommendations and appointing Toby as preferred contractor.

ACTION – CD – to get back to the CHT with boards decision

Items for Discussion

  1. Land Management Ecological Regeneration

This item was covered by the Black Hills conversation earlier.

  1. Debt process

CD gave an overview of how he and LC saw the debt recovery process’ flaws.

ACTION – LC – to do a staged proposal back to board.

Items for Information Only

  1. Ranger Services – Future Provision

Parked for a future Community Directors meeting.

  1. Laggan Road update

GH – Gave an update on Laggan Road situation.

Next step is the Evemy’s need to get planning permission for the road.

ACTION – CD – Talk to JL about next steps and speaking directly to the Evemys.


Worker Accommodation

CD distributed sketches of what a proposed worker accommodation unit may look like and asked for permission to begin the community consultation.

A discussion took place on tight build times and the implications.

ACTION – CD – Let community know there’s three major consultations coming up.  

ACTION – CD – To propose an order and priority for the projects. 

West of Westfield

    Parked to a future meeting.

Printer – Donated to CBS

    The board agreed to donate the Samsung printer to the CBS.

Investment in the Pub

    Parked to a future meeting.

Appraisal of meeting

Date of Next Meeting

8th November, 2021