Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall
4.00 p.m. 8th November 2021
Attending in person: Grant Holroyd (Chair), Anna Wilson, Denise Atherley, Davie Newton, Sam Gardener (Via Zoom), Richard Williams (Via Zoom), Allan Henderson (Via Zoom), Liz Tibbetts, David Costello,
Also Attending: Craig Dunn, Louise Costello, Corinna Calder, Tom Dalziel
Minutes taken by: CD
Declarations of Interest:
GH – KFT declared an interest in point 5
AW – Relation of land owner declared an interest in point 5
DN – Relationship with KFT manager
RW – JMT employee on point 5
Approval of Minutes:
Previous minutes approved
Matters Arising:
Priority List
Company Handbook
DA – Reviewed and made suggestions to changes to the Company Handbook
ACTION – CD – To take to the HR Company for comment
Worker Accommodation
DA – Passing back amendments to response to feedback.
ACTION CD – to put out reminder to community for event.
No updates for the rest of the list
Items for Decision

  1. Membership
    TB Application.
    Trischa Added to Membership List – Approved.
    ACTION – CD – To Update the list. To ensure that people who have been agreed to be members receive correspondence.
  2. Rural Housing Burden Changes
    CD – Informed the board that this item could not be discussed as the information necessary to make a decision had not been received from the Communities Housing Trust.
    ACTION – CD – To Chase.
    Allan Henderson – Joined the meeting.
  3. Current debtor
    Write off or Debt collection agency
    LC gave an overview of the proposed Debt Recovery process
    ACTION – Board – to review the debt collection policy in time for the next board meeting.
    ACTION – LC – to put note in the second debt letter that if the debt goes to the next stage the board will be notified.
    JH – Gave a suggestion on pricing.
    ACTION – LC – To research debt collection agency versus solicitor costs and make a recommendation to board.
  4. West of Westfield
    Agree the next steps
    CD explained the current situation and possible options.
    ACTION – CD to contact John Leyshon, and find out the status of the purchase.
    Davie Newton Joined the meeting
    Items for Discussion
    RW Raised a potential conflict of interest on the next agenda point
    The Board confirmed they were happy for RW to remain in the meeting.
  5. Black Hills
    a. Discuss feedback from community.
    b. Agree to formulate a proposal based upon
    i. phase 1- joining up fence and initial woodland planting with associated deer management (Co-operation fund);
    ii. phase 2 – feasibility and development of the wider benefits and activities (HIE)
    AH – Asked for clarity on what the proposal is.
    GH – Explained.
    ACTION – RW /GH to arrange a time to meet to explain the proposal further.
    A question was raised on whether we could go ahead without feedback from JMT?
    Board Agreed to continue. With RW abstaining on the decision
    Board asked RW what the potential problem is?
    RW explained What the perceived impact may be on JMT priorities.
    DN – Is it a deer issue with migratory deer?
    RW – No discussion taken place but could be a consequence on JMT land.
    DN – Would a difference of approach between JMT and KF mean they couldn’t happen?
    GH – Doesn’t see how it affects JMT’s wider vision?
    DN – Agreed compensation cull would occur.
    Discussion on future monetary values and distribution and deer management.
    DN – Mentioned other conflicts of interest
    GH / AW / DN – All declared an interest.
    DA – Ask for clarification on what the board agreed.
    GH – Explained It was point 5 (I) that the board were agreeing upon.
    The board agreed that we should go ahead with RW abstaining.
    Items for Information Only
    CD informed the board we have been offered increased funding from
    Date of Next Meeting
    13th of December
    At this point James Hilder had a feedback session on how the meeting went.
    His points were
  6. Add more specific dates to actions
  7. Don’t needlessly fill meetings with points
    At this point the Liz Tibbetts and David Costello joined the meeting.
    A discussion followed on the need for clarity between what the KF wants from KT and what KT wants from KF.
    ACTION – CD – to take forward discussions at appropriate meetings.
    A discussion on who should run the campsite took place.
    ACTION – CD – to ensure there is a clear proposal/options so the two boards can come to an informed decision.
    Do we need a minute secretary? Was discussed.
    The meeting ended.