Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall
4.00 p.m. 24th January 2022
Attending Grant Holroyd(Chair), Sam Gardener, Anna Wilson, Davie Newton, Denise Atherley, Allan Henderson (Via Zoom), Richard Williams(Via Zoom)
Also Attending Craig Dunn, Louise Costello, Morag Anderson, Kyle Smith (Zoom), Judy Bailey (Zoom), Steve Brook(Zoom)
Declarations of Interest
Minutes of Previous Meeting
ACTION – CD – to send the agenda and minutes to the community prior to each meeting.
Matters arising
Priority List
Review the list
CD gave an overview of the list.
Strategy – A meeting between the three chairs took place recently another one is planned for the next few weeks.
HR – it was agreed that DA would be the director trained on the system.
Electronic Filing System – CD – Progress has been made a solution found from our current software.
ACTION – CD – to arrange Training on the system and induction.
ACTON – CD – to send a copy of the priority list to directors.
Items for Decision

  1. Renovation of Millburn Cottage Stage 1 – Funding
    CD gave an overview of the current funding. And asked to postpone a decision on agreeing contractors Stage 1 funding until Communities Housing Trust does more financial due diligence on the project costs and funding.
    AW asked a question of what the final version design will be.
    GH gave an overview and a design was shared on Screen.
    RW asked a question on the flexibility of the units
    SG Question on new family accommodation.
    DN Had reservations about the design but agreed his views had been aired.
    Board agreed that they are happy to confirm the final design via email and also to agree to Stage 1 funding via email if available before the next meeting.
    ACTION – CD to check with the funders and planning about surprises in relation to potential flooding.
    ACTION – CD to check any potential insurance issues.
  2. Worker Accommodation Units Stage 1 – Funding
    GH gave a brief summary.
    CD informed the board that while funding to build the units was yet to be confirmed that he believed we should fund the first part – design process.
    CD asked for board approval to spend 25K to get the initial design and planning achieved.
    DN – Question on updated drying and heating facilities.
    GH – Explained the updated design in terms of heating and drying system. Including benefits to Renewables of using more electricity without overburdening renewables network Also that I would be a cheaper solution.
    ACTION – CD – to send the new design to board when available.
    DA – Asked a question on finances.
    Board agreed to give Toby the go ahead for Stage 1 funding – Design and Planning.
  3. Debtors Process
    LC – Informed the board that everything had been sent round the directors for approval.
    The Debtor process approved by the board.
    Items for Discussion
  4. RHB Policy Update
    DN – Gave an update of what stage we’re at with this Policy Update. DN, SG, AW had a meeting about the visual plan DN had product giving multiple options and multiple endpoints and multiple considerations.
    AW – gave a brief overview of her view of the visual policy.
    There was a discussion on real world examples and testing the visual plan.
    A discussion too place on the purposes of the document.
    Discussion followed on the financial aspects of the policy.
    ACTION – DN – to propose some potential purposes
    ACTION – DN – to explain the conditions.
    ACTION – DN – to explain the process
    ACTION – DN – to define process post agreement
    CD – commented that this will need to go to CHT, and our solicitor.
    ACTION – CD – to arrange a specific meeting in 2 weeks time on this document
    A discussion took place on fixed burdens.
    DA – could be additional expense from lawyers.
    GH – Can we structure the process to make it manageable so that it isn’t any more expensive than it has to be.
    Items for Information Only
  5. Confirmation of Ranger Funding
    CD – Gave an indication of what the staffing levels will be for the Ranger Service going forwards.
    ACTION – CD – Send round the Ranger document to Board.
  6. Trading Company Update
    CD gave a Trading update.
    DN – Need to be a discussion on the assets used by the Trading Company rented from the Foundation.
    ACTION – CD – To provide a proposal to the Foundation board to have the campsite run by Trading on the next agenda.
  7. Update from JMT – staffing changes and opportunity to comment on new (2022-26) strategic plan
    RW – informed us that Ally Mackaskill – leaving the JMT in 3 weeks time.
    RW – JMT, 5 year strategic plan consultation coming in the next few weeks. There will be opportunities to feed in.
  8. Wilder Carbon – proposing an exploratory conversation with KF, KFT and JMT to see what WC may be able to help with
    RW Informed the board that JMT’s Nikki Gordon – Willing to come and speak to us about the opportunity of Carbon Credits.
    GH gave a brief overview of Wilder Carbon but that many questions still remain.
    DN asked a question on what status we would have with Wilder Carbon.
    GH – we should hear what they say.
    DN – Worth talking to other land trusts to see what they’re doing. Duncan MacPherson in Harris and Uist.
    GH – Informed the board we’re currently talking with Community Land Scotland, GH made the point that it’s the integrity of who we sell to that is important.
    ACTION RW – Set up a joint meeting with Wilder Carbon. CD, Jim, Lorna, Grant. RW.
  9. Will’s email
    DN – had visited the site and Will wants to move the plot half the width of the plot towards the glen.
    KFT – ACTION – To look at Wills change to the plot. To see if there are any forestry issues.
    Will – to landscape any area that will not be covered by the new position, that has already been prepared.
    Board agreed unless any issues from KFT to approve the new position of the plot.
  10. Burial Ground
    DA – Read an email from FL.
    ACTON – DA – to talk to Fiona and that DA would ask her to submit an updated paper explaining previous actions and results and next steps including the role of the Foundation.
  11. Land next to the larder
    AW -asked of the land to the south of the larder could be of use for other purposes.
    Discussion – possible uses for the site.
    No decision on moving the fence or for the land use at this time was made.
  12. Tor Mor Planning Application
    GH – Should we respond as we are keen that the planning issues are resolved before the planning on the new house is agreed.
    ACTION – CD – Craig to update John Leyshon and to respond to the planning application for a new house.
  13. Fire Alarm legislation
    DN – ACTION – to give contact details for Northern Alarms.
    DN – gave an overview of various options and highlighted lots of things to think about depending on the use of the property.
  14. Kyle Smiths Plot
    KS – looking for feedback on where likelihood of plots –
    GH – Advised best thing is to come over and highlight areas and discuss with people.
    Date of Next Meeting
    14th of February