Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall
9.00 a.m. 15th March, 2022
Attending Grant Holroyd (Chair), Anna Wilson, Davie Newton, Denise Atherley (Via Zoom), Richard Williams (Via Zoom)
Also attending
Craig Dunn
Allan Henderson, Sam Gardener
Declarations of Interest
AW point 2
GH point 1
Minutes of Previous Meeting
AW queried the next action for the Burial ground proposed actions. It was agreed that FL is to come up with words to send out to the community seeking help in pulling together a proposal.
Minutes approved
Matters arising
Priority List
Review the list
ACTION – RHB – Print spreadsheet for GH and send to everyone else via email
ACTION – CD – Start to draw up a list of secondary projects to fill in the gaps for the Project officer.
Items for Decision
- KCCWG Proposal
ACTION – CD – Send Terms of Reference template to Lachie.
DA struggled with connection at this point.
Board Approved proposal and we’ll seek feedback from DA.
Items for Discussion - Creative Hub Proposal
AW – provided a basic overview of what the Creative Hub would be.
DN – asked questions over wording of “Community” and “acquire”.
Board agreed to support in principal.
No action. - Worker Accommodation Update
CD provided an update on the current status. Design is in and with planning and seeking funding. - Millburn Update
CD gave a brief update on Millburn.
Items for Information Only
Westfield – CD gave an update on the lawyer/conveyancer situation and that he’s seeking completion for end of this month. - Trading Company Update
DN gave a brief Trading Company update to the board.
RW – Updated on Wilder Carbon
WC offered to provide us with documentation that would describe the relationships and they said they may suggest how the Black Hills may work. WC were looking to see if there were similar projects elsewhere.
DN – CLS did a paper on green finance.
CD and GH had a meeting with CLS.
ACTION – DN to circular CLS study.
GH emphasised that we need to register before we do the work
CD, JB and GH had a meeting with Renee from IUCN.org.uk on peatland restoration
RW – role within JMT changing. Sophie Edwards – will be doing his current role within JMT – but happy to continue in his role on the Foundation board.
DN – continuity good.
GH – happy to have you. Thanks.
RW – will update for next board meeting.
Fire Alarm updates
DA asked for an update on fire alarms.
CD gave an update on Housing alarms status.
DN – Co-ordinate audit of bunkhouse with pub audit.
Rent Increases
DA asked for an update on Rent increases.
Due in August this year.
Action – CD to send a letter to tenants at appropriate time.
Date of Next Meeting
11th of April, 9.00 a.m.