
Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall

9.00 a.m. 11th April, 2022


Grant Holroyd (Chair), Sam Gardener, Denise Atherley, Davie Newton, Allan Henderson (Via Zoom)

Also attending

Craig Dunn (Via Zoom)


Richard Williams, Anna Wilson

Declarations of Interest

DN – Pub

SG – Knoydart Farm

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Approved by the board.  DA noted that she couldn’t approve them as she did not have a good reception via Zoom at the time.

Matters arising

Priority List

Review the list


CD confirmed that the search for funding for Millburn upgrade continues.


ACTION – CD – to arrange further meeting of the chairs.


CD gave an update on the current recruitment.  Four new people have been recruited between Foundation and Trading Co’s and onboarding starting within a couple of weeks.

Of the three positions, one will be employed throughout the year and three are seasonal employees.

Project Officer

There followed a discussion on the job description for the Project Officer.

The board agreed that the three objectives were relevant and appropriate.

There was agreement at a pre-amble should detail where we are with the three projects listed.

The board discussed and agreed the following objectives.

What is the objective of the Accommodation Units?

Create flexible accommodation primarily for short-term workers to support community and local economic development.

Affordable Housing

Provide five units for affordable longer term, residential rent, integrating with a developing wider community housing plan.

Working with CHT and community

Redevelopment/Replacement of Bunkhouse.

Investigate and define feasibility of future bunkhouse provision in conjunction with stakeholders, taking into account previous work on this.    Objectives and scope yet to be defined.

It was agreed to specify that objectives would include “Any other project specified by the board.”

ACTION – CD – sent these objectives to DA for review

ACTION – CD – Run these objectives past HIE

Advertising / Pay / Line Manager

ACTION – CD – Ask HIE what does the salary cover in the grant.

ACTION – CD – Produce a budget for the Project Officer, overheads, office grant. 20% to overheads.

ACTION – CD – to ensure one of the duties for Year 1 – to find the shortfall for Year 2.


ACTION – CD – Person Spec

Discussion on how local the person has to be to Knoydart.  It was agreed that they did not necessarily have to stay here, and indeed could hinder them.

AH – Suggest that we set the expectation of the person to be here regularly.

DN – travel time needs considered.

It was agreed that expenses to get here are at their own expense.

It was agreed that expenses to go from here to somewhere else is an expense claimable.

ACTION – CD – Give list of websites to Denise of likely sources of relevant applicants.

DA – They should be reporting to the board.

Discussion on line-management of this project officer.

It was agreed that there will be an appointed director as line manager and reporting to the board. 

It was discussed and agreed that it was not essential that the Project Officer live here but that it was essential that they were able to visit as required by the role, which might initially be weekly.

There was a lengthy discussion about how line management and reporting should work. Craig took an action to look for some help for the board to potentialy develop a structure that would facilitate multiple staff and projects reporting to the board without overburdening the directors.

Items for Decision

  1. Confirmation about Shed plan at community garden

SG talked through a plan for the community garden sheds and compost toilet.  Asked for permission to go ahead.

GH – Who owns the shed?

GH – Who is the community garden?

GH – who will maintain the shed.

SG, AW, LT – are the people who are putting the effort into this.

Who’s name is on the bank account?

ACTION – CD – Check and mark the ownership boundary at Bob and Morag.

ACTION – CD – Check with registry that what they’re selling is what they own.  As John Leyshon.               

Board agreed to new hut being placed in the community garden.

Items for Discussion

  1. Millburn update

CD gave a brief update on where we were with Mlllburn.

  1. Discuss Accommodation use – Warden’s flat

A discussion took place on possible uses for the Warden’s Flat with various suggestions given.

  1. Knoydart Farm

A discussion took place on the need to provide a proper, well-defined proposal in order for the board to give a reasoned decision in principle.

ACTION – CD – Provide proposal to the board.

  1. Project Officer – Role Description
  1. Rent increases for assets rented to Trading Co

CD gave an overview of the current situation and asked for opinions on rent increases.

Action – CD – Ask Accountant what’s best in terms of rent or donations.

Items for Information Only

  1. Trading Company Update

DN gave an update from the Trading Co.


AH – Position –

ACTION – CD – Ask Dot Ferguson for biographies of the three people who could be HC’s representative on our board, and for us to be included in the discussion on selection.  [later added] To find out from her if any of them have experience in Housing, fundraising.

The board noted that 1 minute past midnight on the 4th of May is Allan Henderson’s last date before he retires.

Board Succession –

Should we find a director with experience in Housing was asked and discussed.

Action – CD – add to next meeting defining what skills we want as an external director.

Questions from Davie

Campsite Checks

Steph’s email re: plot taking too long

ACTION – CD – to chase John Leyshon all plots.

Anna – Understanding of A-Frame allocation

Garage – What’s happening at the garage and the CMCK, inside and outside.

Minutes in the Newsletter –

Could add to Website as Draft minutes

Ranger Responsibilities


Date of Next Meeting

9th of May, 9.00 a.m.