
Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall

6.00 p.m. 21st June, 2022


Grant Holroyd (Chair), Anna Wilson, Davie Newton, Sam Gardener, Denise Atherley (Via Zoom)

Also attending

Craig Dunn, Finlay Greig, Jim Brown, Corinna Calder, Jacqui Wallace (Via Zoom) , Helen Evemy (Via Zoom), Philip Evemy (Via Zoom), Steph Harris (Via Zoom), Danny Gorman (Via Zoom)


Richard Williams

Declarations of Interest

GH – Point 1 Black Hills (KFT)

AW – Point 1 Black Hills (Relation to Iain Wilson)

DN – Point 4

Minutes of Previous Meeting

 Minutes of 9th of May Approved

Matters arising

Actions from Last Meeting were reviewed and the board was updated on the status of outstanding items.

Priority List

Review the list

CD read through the list and updated the board on the priorities.

Items for Decision

  1. Black Hills Project

Funding acceptance

JB informed the board of the positive outcome of the NRF Funding application and gave an overview of the conditions that we know about so far.

DN asked questions on Wages and Salaries and these were addressed by JB.

GH summarised the project.  Which includes putting up fences, culling of deer, habitat monitoring and more.

A question was asked on what the organisations commitments were to the project and what was the organisation exposed to.

JB gave an overview of commitments but stressed that we do not have the official offer document yet with all conditions listed.

Board Agrees the Funding Acceptance in principle subject to checking the small print.

ACTION – JB – Pass the offer round the board for final approval when it comes in from the Funders.

Project Manager Recruitment process

JB left the room after stating that he would like to put himself forwards for the role.

The board posed a question on advertising of the post and after some discussion agreed that we should advertise the post locally.

JB returned to the meeting.

DN raised an issue about future access.

JB informed that there is a condition not to restrict access.

GH asked Would the Role Description include scope to kick-start off-shoot projects?

JB answered that it wasn’t in writing on the draft Role Description currently but had imagined it would be part of the role.

  1. Policy Renting to Subsidiaries

CD presented the draft policy and the background on how it had come into it’s current format.

After a discussion about the contents of the draft policy and how it could be used for non-subsidiaries also the policy was approved by the board.

  • Millburn East Plots

GH gave an overview of where the two RHB plots are situated and confirmed the size of the plots as ¼ acre each.

The board agreed to put these out to community consultation.

Items for Discussion

  1. Access to rear of the Old Forge

DN – Gave an overview of what the pub is proposing.  Including the implications for the powerline to be buried and what could be facilitated in the area.

CD – Asked who would pay for the legalities to be sorted and maintenance

DN – The Old Forge would pay for the legals.

GH proposed that he believed our Legal Advisor would advise maintenance would be based on usage.

There was a brief discussion on the soakaway from the A-Frame.

The board agreed in principle.

ACTION – DN – To produce plans for work.

  1. Financial implications of changes to structure within operations

As this wasn’t discussed at the Trading Board meeting it was parked for this meeting.

  1. RHB Policy and Eligibility Criteria Update

CD proposed a single item Agenda meeting.

GH gave a brief description of the reasons for updating RHB eligibility criteria.

ACTION – CD – Arrange board meeting

Items for Information Only

  1. Project Officer Recruitment progress

DA – Proposed – GH, DN CD look at person spec and prepare short listing of applicants.

Board Agreed

ACTION – CD – To forward through person spec to DN and GH and arrange meeting to agree short list.

  1. JMT Strategic plan

As RW was absent from the meeting this was parked to a future meeting.

  1. Ranger Service Update

FG – Gave an update on how the Ranger Service is progressing and what had been achieved.

FG – Thanked Grant and Lachie for help with Toilet and Benches.

FG talked about future projects and in particular toilet provision. There was a short discussion on options for future toilet provision at the campsite.

DN asked is it worth raising with SEPA.  JB offered to ask the question.

FG mentioned that we are seeking funding for a New Cycling fleet, including electric bikes and cargo bikes.

A discussion took place on including Knoydart Renewables in any discussions on the Bike Shed and the surrounding area.

ACTION – FG – to talk to Kyle about coming up with a plan for the area next to the Genny shed.

CD Thanked Finlay and drew for picking up the baton for the Ranger Service.

CD – Gave a brief statement on the financial contribution the Ranger service is making to the Foundation

There followed a discussion on showers at the campsite and AW suggested routes for data from past years.

  1. Deer Management Report

JB Gave an overview of how Deer Management was progressing.

CD gave a brief overview of profit and loss.

GH gave an overview of the feeling on Deer Management Group and future management of deer on neighbouring estates. 

  1. Trading Company Update

DN – Gave an update from Trading Group.  Made the KF aware of potential use and works within the Warden’s flat.

There was a discussion who pays the costs for the work.

ACTION – CD – To check the lease on the Bunkhouse who pays for material costs

Rental values – of various leases wasn’t discussed at the KT meeting due to time constraints.

Venison is doing well, not quite breaking even.  

Shop is making money, Bunkhouse and Wee Hooses are making money.

  1. Millburn Updated Timing Plan

CD informed the board of an updated timing plan with boots on the ground at Millburn at the end of the first quarter of 2023.

ACTION – CD – Talk to Steph – about contacts at Highland Council.


DN – Glass for windows for the pub – Glass could be got for two new windows in buildings that the Foundation owns.  One at the shop and one in the display room.

Questions on Value for money and alternatives. It was agreed there wasn’t any better value for money to be had.

GH – are we happy for the group to spend the money.

Agreed to the upgrade and spend of £2500 for purchase and installation.

GH Requested that we increase efforts to recruit directors for KF, KR and also ask the KT board if it has the correct directors on board for its needs.

CD asked if this should go on the Priority List?

ACTION – CD – to resend email seeking for people to come and experience being directors.

Date of Next Meeting

Monday 11th July, 6.00 p.m.