Attending Grant Holroyd (Chair), Davie Newton, Sam Gardener
Also Attending Craig Dunn, Finlay Greig, Helen Evemy (Via Zoom)
Apologies Richard Williams, Anna Wilson, Denise Atherley
Declarations of Interest
DN – Item 1
CD – Item 2
GH – Item 4
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Previous Minutes Approved
Matters arising
Actions from Last Meeting
The actions from previous meetings was reviewed and updated.
ACTION – CD – to ask McWilliams what they think the issue is.
Confirmed that currently the Trading Co pays for maintenance and upgrades to the Bunkhouse.
Priority List
Review the list
Added Succession planning to the HR Priority
Items for Decision
- Rear of Old Forge Plans
It was agreed that if the Knoydart Foundation has to go to any expense then the Pub CBS has to pay for it.
Discussion followed on undergrounding the overhead line and future provision.
Board agreed in principle to the proposal laid out in the accompanying documents.
ACTION – CD – to follow up at future meeting to ensure quorate decision is made.
- C&A Dunn Plot Eligibility
CD Left the meeting
The plot eligibility was discussed and it was agreed that Craig and Audrey met the criteria through the exceptional circumstances route.
ACTION – Board – to ensure that the rest of the board agree with this at next meeting.
Items for Discussion
- Board Succession and Group Director Recruitment
GH – Gave a summary of the email from James Hilder and this was shared on screen and to the Zoom participants – Then gave a summary of the steps that JH has proposed are necessary.
It was suggested that we should we split out the list of Actions from JH into actions for local community directors and external directors.
Discussion on how many external directors and how the rules are understood by all Directors.
ACTION – GH – to take first pot shot at identifying the areas to strengthen.
CD – Circulated the email to the KF Board.
- Black Hills Project
NRF Update
GH gave an overview of his email on the NRF acceptance.
CD asked who will ensure that the items in the email will happen.
GH – related to previous agenda point.
Once job description and person spec is completed that a Local email list to advertise the post. Producing a project budget will be part of that job description.
ACTION – CD – to make sure the job description includes the points from GH’s email.
ACTION – CD – to add to next board meeting what items need agreed to get this job advertised.
Discussion on condition not to sell “the Property or any part of it.. Without written approval.”
The part of the funding offer relating to fences was discussed including whether any of the conditions were binding.
It was confirmed that he funding conditions of this part of the project could stretch to 12 years.
Point was raised on information reaching the board in terms of succession planning. Suggested that a sub-group is set up for the project.
Items for Information Only
- Ranger Service Update
CD gave a financial update.
ACTION – CD – Provide the board with explanation of how our engagements with third party activity providers will work.
FG gave an overview of activities that the KF Ranger Service have been involved in over the last month.
FG updated the board on potential bookings with schools.
FG gave an update on the Ranger Events calendar
Discussion on landscape interpretation future provision took place.
A brief discussion took place regarding the Loos at the campsite.
- Deer Management Update
CD gave a brief overview of financials.
It was mentioned and discussed that we may need more than one report and we could restructure the information to include or separate out the Black Hills and Guest based shooting and other aspects.
Discussion Black Hills project and how it sits in the figures.
Discussion on Black Hills Reporting and Funding parameters.
ACTION – CD – to speak to JB and LC about ensuring the costs, income and funding are allocated appropriately to a Black Hills project.
- Trading Co Update
No update as no meeting
- Renewables Co Update
There was a discussion on the recent update from the Renewables board.
Bowyer Bypass –
ACTION – CD – to follow up on completing the track.
Project Officer –
ACTION – CD – to contact the Project Officers candidates for interviews.
External help recruiting was discussed.
ACTION – CD / SG – Arrange Pre-meetings and draft some questions and circulate.
It was intimated that someone who is easy to manage would be preferable.
Steph and JP’s eligibility
DN confirmed that he read the options to Steph and JP and they got to choose which option. We agree and minute (in terms advised by John) that we are happy with either Option on the proviso that we forward John’s comments to Steph / JPs solicitor and ask him which option his client would prefer
Agreed that there was no need to check Stephs eligibility criteria and only to check that JP’s application met the criteria.
Subject to JP becoming a member of the Knoydart Foundation the joint application was approved
Kirsten and Drew Harris connections – Asked us to chase John Leyshon on his work for their connections.
Garage – An update on the garage was asked for.
Date of Next Meeting
8th August.