Attending Grant Holroyd (Chair), Denise Atherley, Sam Gardener, Anna Wilson, Andrew Baldrey, Richard Williams (Via Zoom)
Also Attending Craig Dunn, Sara Donald (Via Zoom), Finlay Greig, Jane Hollowood, Tom Dalziel, Steph Harris (Via Zoom), Corrina Calder
Davie Newton,
Declarations of Interest
GH point 12 (KFT)
SG point 7 (Director and involved in Knoydart Farm)
Minutes of Previous Meeting
ACTION – CD – Check Roli’s Name on Minutes
The board approved the minutes of 12th of September 2022
<SG – Arrived>
Matters arising
Actions from Last Meeting
This agenda point was discussed at the end of the meeting with just board members and CD in attendance.
Board Agreed that display room toilet should be maintained by the Ranger Service.
DA spoke to debtor.
ACTION – CD – Draft a letter for Chair to send to debtor. Itemise various occasions this process has been through.
ACTION – CD – ensure the letters still go out.
Priority List
Covered at the end of the meeting. Priorities covered in the agenda.
Items for Decision
- Minute of Steph Harris and JP Langford plot sale.
Agreed and signed by GH and AW
- Members list signed and dated
Agreed and Signed
- Land outside School for Bike Shelter
<Sara Donald and Finlay Greig joined the meeting>
AW gave an overview of the proposal.
Board approved as long as the School takes responsibility for removal when it’s redundant.
Items for Discussion
- List of organisations for potential co-opted directors
Idea to approach organisations with job description agreed. Not to be overburdened by applications or obliged to accept any of them. Expressions of interest initially the first step. Can we set a date towards the end of November.
ACTION – CD – to formulate and circulate message asking for expressions of interest for approval before it goes out.
- Preparation for meeting with James Hilder re Organisational Boundaries
This agenda point was discussed at the end of the meeting with just board members and CD in attendance.
Brief discussion in preparation for Monday’s meeting on the 17th of October.
ACTION – Board – to think about the questions posed in JH’s email.
ACTION – CD – to forward on Job Description via email and list of actual work.
- Knoydart Tree Nursery Interest in Millburn
Interest in space at Millburn for Knoydart Tree Nursery was noted by the board.
- Knoydart Farm Questions and feedback (updated plan)
CD – has an interest.
SG – declared in interest.
<DA and AB left the meeting>
Discussion on the presented document. Document was amended to include a title and notation.
Board agreed to put their questions in document.
Discussion that the board agrees that more food growing is a good thing.
It was noted that Knoydart Farm needs to be clear on what type of process they want to follow – discussion or clear proposal.
ACTION – Board – to put questions in Google Sheet.
- Handling declarations of interest for non-Directors
Agreed that the established protocol if non-directors is to declare an interest either at the start of the meeting or at the appropriate agenda point. Discussion on the responsibility of the Chair to make the board aware of potential interests when attendees don’t declare one where appropriate.
Items for Information Only
- Operations plan for 2023
CD informed the board that an overhaul of the operations plan is being worked on.
There was a discussion that the directors are still doing too much work and that could be incorporated into the plan.
The job advert for the Financial Administrator was discussed and it was suggested to ensure that the process is water-tight.
ACTION – LC – Put job advert out to email to the community.
ACTION – LC – Can you keep Board up to date that the recruitment process is followed.
Confirmed job description went out with director support.
- Ranger Service Update
FG – Gave Ranger service update. Including five new mountain bikes and proposed renovation of half the genny shed. Looking at funding for locals to join the one off experiences. Thanks to Drew McNaughton for his work this year. Gave an update on hours in winter.
<FG left the meeting>
- Deer Management Update
No specific update other than that Jim is busy out stalking each day currently.
- Accommodation Project Officer Update
SD – gave an update on Millburn Cottage. Tree surveys at the site – get quotes for those. Workers Accommodation – Finished application for SG Capital Grant Fund. Deadline is 21st October. Planning application still under consideration. Highlighted the delays from planning department for Highland Council.
ACTION – SD – send key dates in order to fit with funding to GH to send a letter to planning department.
GH – Declared an interest – KFT can quote to do a tree survey.
- Housing Update
Upcoming Housing landlord legislation.
ACTION – CD – Double check the implications for the Foundation on this.
- Financial Update
Gave an update on the financial position with particular reference to KT cash flow.
- KCAG Update
There was a discussion on how often the board receive an update from KCAG.
It was confirmed that the Terms of Reference state a monthly update.
TD gave an update including, Carbon Audit concluded. Glitches in the calculations in the model. Lachie Robinson working with advisor to fix. Seagrass monitoring hasn’t moved forward for reasonable reasons. Next meeting will be community carbon action plan single item agenda meeting on the 26th October.
- Knoydart Renewables Update
ACTION – CD – to circulate Kyle’s report
- Knoydart Trading Update
ACTION – CD – to check lease for the bunkhouse flat. And forward proposal to the board.
There were questions on Venison online sales and Knoydart Shop position and these were clarified.
AW – distributed update for Creative Hub.
ACTION – Board – Read for item for discussion at next board meeting
Discussion on meeting on 17th
Date of Next Meeting
14th November