Minutes for Tuesday 9th May 2023- Knoydart Community Hall, 6pm
Attending: Jane Hollowood, Lachie Robinson, Davie Newton, Sam Gardener
Also Attending: Craig Dunn, Drew McNaughton, Reagan Nunn
Attending via Zoom: Stephanie Harris,Jacqui Wallace, John Cocker, Jo Firminger, Richard Williams, Andrew Baldrey, Corinna Calder, Jim Brown, Liz Tibbets
Apologies: None
Declarations of Interest: Sam and Craig for Farm
Minutes of Previous Meetings inc. single item agenda meetings
- April Board Meeting minutes- Approved
Matters arising
Actions from Last Meeting- Completed or to be discussed at this meeting.
AP- CD to distribute AP List
- Knoydart Climate Action Group Update- Written Report Available (Date Incorrect)
Additional Members agreed by board.
- Deer Management Update- Word Document Available
- Ranger Service Update- Word Document Available
- Knoydart Trading Update- Word Document Available – LT advised the board that Jo Firminger would be joining the Trading Board as a Director, this was agreed by the KF Board.
- Renewables Update- Kyle Update to be included in documents to go out
Fiona Lennie joins meeting via zoom
Items for decision
- Co-opting of Director- Board has decided that it would be useful for Jo Firminger to join the board- No Objections.
DN- doesn’t think it should be a co-option but a replacement as it could cause an issue later if another director resigns as we might not be quorate for voting. Article 35 of Articles of Association allows a resigned elected director to be replaced until the next AGM.
Jo would agree to joining the board as a co-opted or replacement director until the next AGM.
AP- JH- Check with Lynne from DTAS regarding co-option/replacement of a director
- Farm lease amendment-. In the original counteroffer to the proposal there was a presumption on no livestock except with board approval. The land lease has been based on a draft lease from the community garden which says no livestock at all. Amendment proposed that it should say livestock only with permission from the board. Amendment Agreed.
- Commercial lease allocation process- There wasn’t an official policy in place, so CD created one. Board all agree the document for use.
- Allocations for Piggery Shed and Piggery Workshop shed. 4 applications for rental of the same workshop. Board request more time to do scoring of the applications.
AP- all board to score and decide on allocation this week.
- Housing Maintenance Management to Project Officer.
Richard Williams has sent a document for the board to consider.
Discussion around potential wage uplift in line with increased responsibility. Concerns were expressed about a person on a limited time contract having ongoing maintenance responsibilities. Proposal for Sara Donald is to have a structured maintenance plan in place by the end of her contract so that whoever inherits it has a plan. This will also help her secure funding. Concern expressed about this being a self-funding role and a suggestion that there is a need to be proactive with finding funding to secure a longer-term position for Sara.
AP- CD to chat to Sara to define the terms of reference including any outcomes of her new role and an actionable maintenance plan.
- Agree plot allocation on RHB- Will’s Plot- small movement of boundary. All in agreement.
- Accommodation Project Officer report
– Richard Williams ran through it as Sara was unable to attend. Word Document available
Operations Manager report
– Word Document Available.
Fraser Watson joins meeting via zoom
Items for discussion
- Budget
- Discussion around monthly variance report, monthly cashflow forecast and core costs
- Proposal to have meeting with Reagan, Louise, Jo, Davie and come up with a format to take these things forward. Craig to take part in this initial meeting. To discuss the establishment of a financial sub-committee.
- AP- CD to organise financial heads together.
- Housing Maintenance
- Update on Housing Maintenance list
- Discussion around a lack of availability of people to do the work currently, the gap in available finances and how these may be raised. Discussion around CMCK and its availability for work.
- AP- SG to contact CMCK to get a full and transparent update on their future, their availability to support other community companies and the community in general and what services they can provide.
- Update on Property Maintenance & Refurbishment Plan
Discussion around revaluing properties, mortgages, EPC ratings and costings.
Proposal to look at an order of priority for the work and sequentially split it up. There is a need to agree the next priorities for maintenance and to review the costs and figures which are important to feed into the decision-making process.
AP- All Board to come back with a process of how to identify what needs to be done to properties and how to achieve it. The board have also to decide if they agree to the properties maintenance plan or suggest alternatives.
Proposal- A pot of money for maintenance is prioritised for day-to-day maintenance. e.g. fixing a boiler. This money could be raised in many ways but it is proposed that remortgaging of a foundation property is considered.
This will give time for the board to go away and make a plan for raising money and finding workers. The board should agree a priority for the maintenance plan and bringing properties up to EPC ratings before the deadline.
- Delegation of Authority Document Feedback-
Discussion around the document being a useful reference but concerns that it is un-wieldy and in danger of becoming a law rather than a guide.
- Feedback from Director Training Day on 18th March 23
- Document Collaboration process inc. what info is sent out with minutes
Items for information only
French film crew have agreed to pay £300 interview fee to any interested resident, negotiated by CD. They would like permission to film on KF land but would be free to film without our permission.
Concern about the length of meetings. Discussion around earlier start time or possibly holding two meetings a month. No agreement come to.
Next meeting: Monday 12 June