Attending: Davie Newton, Tom Harris, Danny Gorman, Frank Atherly, Tom Harris, Jacqui Wallace, Tom Dalziel, Corinna Calder, Helen Evemy, Andrey Baldrey
Apologies: Richard Williamson
Declarations of Interest: None
Minutes of Previous Meetings inc. single item agenda meetings
December Board Meeting minutes- Approved.
Matters arising
Matters arising and actions from Last Meeting:
- DN-Meeting with the accountants- see later in meeting.
- DN- Reviewed Mem and Arts- There is a geographical restriction in type A of the pubs mem and arts, members need to be resident. There is a requirement, but the length is not specified. Some issues around discrimination and Scottish Land Fund.
Margaret Aldington joins meeting.
- Microphone- still to do. Also, on KRL agenda.
- Sara Donald- work phone- still to be done/ ongoing.
- SD- to arrange a meeting with board- ongoing.
- John Leyshon- see later in agenda.
- Allocation of Clachan Dubh A- frame -on this agenda
- New board directors- on this agenda
Liz Tibbets joins meeting.
- Knoydart Trading Update- Liz Tibbets
- Shop- Terra is almost finished her training for the post office. Accounts are looking good.
- Venison- Working on plans for new shed/ smokery, looking for funding.
- Accommodation- Employed David Ruddle to look after bunkhouse will Ben and Jenny are away. Advertisement has gone out for a summer assistant at the bunkhouse.
- QN-DN- where do you think the finances are going to stand at end of year- LT we don’t have much to go on currently.
- KRL update– Tom Dalziel- Written report available. Had operations meeting last Wednesday.
QN- DN- how realistic is it that planning will allow the works (NRP) to proceed in June and are the routes likely to be disruptive to the roads in any areas?
TD- Don’t expect any issue with planning or disruption to the roads.
QN- Is there a contactor? Yes.
QN- Will there be a reduction in the number of transformers. Yes
- Foundation Office update
Jaqui Wallace started last Monday in the finance admin role. She has made suggestions of process changes and is familiarising herself with current processes. Productive meeting with KF board, Hannah Hutchinson at Amber Bookkeepers and Kyle Smith.
Working Hours:
JW- Mon -Wed
CC- Wed -Fri
December was spent on financial work. Updating bank signatories. The group is now a living wage employer.
Sara Donald joins meeting
Items for decision
- Clachan dubh a-frame allocation timeframe.
- Putting allocation out to the community to apply via the form.
AP- All board to agree application form.
- Set an application deadline- suggestion that it should be the last week in Feb or first week in March.
- Decision for allocation to be made around the time of next directors meeting (out with meeting if more than one applicant)
- Inform successful applicant and then agree a date for them to move in from the middle of February onwards.
- Accommodation Project Officer report- written report available.
QN: Frank Atherly- South Knoydart Community Council have expressed their support for the workers accommodation building project to the Highland Council.
Due to the lack of a contractor for the workers accommodation there is a suggestion that it may become a community project.
SD- Provided a budget that was shared to KF board members. Shortfalls in budget around workers accommodation is approx. £100K. At Milburn the shortfall is over £400K. There is also a shortfall in Saras wages of £8K.
QN: Have you talked to HIE about your wages? Or do you want the KF Board to do that?
SD- Had a conversation with Jennifer from HIE, there could be funding but a formal conversation around this topic would be useful.
Qn: The shortfall for workers accommodation- should we sound out a mortgage to fill the gap?
SD- I think this would be sensible. This is based off John Strachan’s estimate which is low compared to another estimate. The budget already contains £120K from a mortgage.
AP- Corinna Calder and Jacqui Wallace to looking into finance options and investigate a mortgage against the workers accommodation.
AP- SD- to discuss options with community housing trust.
Andrew Baldrey Joins Meeting
Items for discussion
- Finance – cost centers and nominal codes- KRL are rationalizing cost centers and nominal codes. KT and KF are planning to do something similar. Currently there are 24 cost centres KF and approx. 250 nominal codes. If anyone has any experience of doing this help would be appreciated. Frank Atherly says project funding should be kept separate from other income.
DN- I have talked to accountants about how they deal with funding in the management accounts and accounts.
- Accountant Meeting Feedback- DN- Written Report Available.
- Recruitment – identify operations role required. Standing item. Identify it as and when required. Until it is decided that a third member of staff is not required this will remain a standing item on the agenda.
- Legal representation- John Leyshon. Been in touch with DN to confirm Tom and Yasmines plot can go ahead and has acknowledged that he is behind on other work for Knoydart. He said he will get to it this month.
- New directors- standing item. Looking to recruit 2x additional community directors.
- QN- SD- Email from Jennifer- rural community involvement for Horizon EU Project, A route to decarbonization. Money to be spent before June. Frank- Tom and Frank and Kyle meeting to discuss Knoydart involvement in euro funding on Wednesday, deadline is on Friday.
Date of next meeting: 12.2.24 @ 6pm @ Hall