Attending: Liz Tibbetts, Davie Newton, Corinna Calder, Tom Harris, Kristy Brown, Tom Dalziel, Jacqui Wallace, Danny Gorman, Grant Holroyd, Jane Hollowood, Angie Rupp, Finlay Greig

Apologies: Callum Wilson, Sarah Donald, Harry?

Declarations of Interest: None

Email decisions to be minuted: None

Minutes of meeting Monday 10 June 2024 Approved

Matters Arising

Actions from last meeting:

  • Decisions on new Operations Manager role – Ongoing
  • Workers accommodation mortgage – Ongoing
  • New accountant decision – ongoing
  • A- Frame options decision – ongoing
  • KFT Consultation – sent out
  • Newsletter information – complete

Trading Update

  • Shop doing well and income similar to this time last year despite the pub being open.
  • Venison has benefitted from the additional help on Social Media from Yulia. Will be reassessed in another month but currently the working time gained is balancing the cost.
  • Accommodation all busy.
  • David Costello is resigning from the board.
  • Ness Porter and Jane Hollowood have agreed to join the Trading Board. This was approved at the meeting and Companies House will be informed.

Renewables – Written Report Available

  • DN advised that the current undergrounding could affect the internet intermitantly.
  • KB asked if the undergrounding route behind Milburn will be reinstated as a track and TD assured her that it would be.

Foundation Office Update – Written Report Available

  • Corinna and Jacquie still in the process of tidying up finances with view to changing accountants later this year.
  • The leased printer has been returned and replaced by a smaller purchased one.

Land Management Update – Written Report Available

  • Richard Williams is now working 2 days per week, the original post was advertised as 4/5 days per week but the rest of the team have been able to share responsibilities.

Ranger Update – Written Report Available

  • DN confirmed to FG that regarding the generator shed, he is in discussion with Building Control and they are almost at a point of agreement.
  • DN advised FG that Bernie has weather records taken twice a day since 1982 including rain fall and wind direction. AP – FG will meet up with Bernie to look at records.


  • The funding is almost in place for the workers accommodation. Renewables are donating £100,000. HIE are supporting by £240,000 therefore we should be in a position to sign the contract with contractors by the end of July. The Foundation is still short by £61,000 but that is being considered. DN thanked Sarah for all of her hard work in getting the Foundation to this point. KB appreciated how complicated it had been and the board agreed thanks are due to Sarah.
  • Construction workers accommodation consultation had 90% approval.
  • Accountants review currently in process and going out to tender later this week to two based in Skye and another, yet to be confirmed.

Accommodation Report – Written Report is Available

Finance Report – Written Report is Available

  • Trading account continues to increase and is at £100,000 over where it was this time last year. Still being investigated. But, in view if this, Trading could increase their donation to the Foundation.
  • Still in the process of clarifying how the accounts operate with regards to restrictive funds.


  • Ongoing


  • KB asked about maintenance of the road from Donald’s Corner. TH suggested that people would be happy to volunteer labour and GH said he had the stone available. DN advised that the contractors would be using the road again therefore they should pay something towards it’s maintenance. GH reminded the board that JW had instigated a donation system some years ago which worked well and should be re-instated. The board agreed.
  • KB also asked on behalf of the SKCC what the situation was as regards the Local Place Plan. Matt Porter has volunteered to cover this on behalf of SKCC and DG suggested he be invited to the next board meeting to discuss, DG will also be cc’d into SKCC emails regarding this. AP – DG to gather resources and information in preparation for further discussion at next meeting. DN suggested that as the community has grown land requirements and use have changed and evolved therefore a Place Plan could be irrelevent in a few years. DN said whatever the plan is it will need flexibility. DG agreed but suggested we might need to assess whether it’s required at all. Angie asked if a plan of where building is denied/restricted might be of more use. All agreed that there would be a wide range of opinions throughout the community and there would be a lot more to discuss.

The meeting came to an end.