9th January 2023 – Community Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes Community Directors Meeting
6.00 p.m. Mon 9th January 2023
Attending Craig Dunn, Jane Hollowood, Davie Newton, Lachie Robinson, Anna Wilson and Richard Williams via zoom
Also Attending
Tom Dalziel (in person)
Stephanie Harris, Jacqui Wallace, Joel Robinson, Philip Evemy, Helen Evemy, Corinna Calder, Sara Donald (all via zoom)
Apologies Andrew Baldrey
Declarations of Interest
JH – Item 15 – Old Forge
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes approved
Matters arising

Actions from Last Meeting
Priority List

  1. KCAG Update – no update
  2. Deer Management – no update
  3. Ranger Service – no update
  4. Knoydart Trading Update
    DN gave an overview.
    Items for decision
  5. Approve Budget
    DN gave an overview of budget and profit and loss. A few queries around the budget differences. Discussion followed about how the budget is formed and how to manage it as we go along during the year. DN – Can we revisit this monthly to keep on track. CD – We can run a report on the budget and compare before Trading donations.
    ACTION – CD – to bring a report to the meeting on a monthly basis.
    Budget to be revisited for approval at Feb meeting
  6. RCG Proposal
    JH – can we share with KCAG. LR – gave an overview of the project and how it might fit with the KCAG aims. SG- Would like to make sure that it is not invasive or has any other environmental impacts. Board agreed that in principle they didn’t see a problem with the idea but that it would need to be revisited once an area of land was identified.
    BOARD APPROVED – Permission for BN to go and identify a suitable area of land to bring back to the board with a proposal.
  7. Accommodation Project Officer Reports
    SG – Gave an overview of projects. Millburn still waiting on funding and hoping for news in Jan. Have looked into other funding options from Homes for Humanity. Positive discussions with them. Workers Accommodation – still no planning permission. Will contact Lucy this week. Bunkhouse – looking at different options and potential funding. Will meet with Trading and find out implications of EPC rating.
  8. Operations manager report
    CD – Gave an overview of current workload.
    ACTION – CD – Send round DTAS team support by email
    ACTION – CD – Talk to Toby about putting some gravel at the end of Rangers Cottage drive.
    ACTION – CD – Update website with current details re staff, directors etc.
    Items for discussion
  9. Accounts – EGM and OSCR
    DN – Gave overview. Still got to go through EGM so we can approve accounts and auditors for next year. AW – Does Louise Grant CD – OSCR is on the list for tomorrow.
    ACTION – DN – contact Louise Grant to find out possible dates for meeting.
    ACTION – AW – send round accounts and EGM date to community once we hear from
    Louise Grant re dates.
  10. Accounts cost
    DN – Have been talking to Louise Grant to find out totals and to try and estimate whether we are getting good value for money; turnover and the complications involved in the accounts we have. Is it good value for book keeping when Louise Costello does so much in her role.
    ACTION – JH, DN and CD to have a meeting with Louise Costello to ascertain her views.
  11. Housing maintenance list
    AW – Have tried putting it into a different format. CD – This format works for DC. DN – Added some other issues at Rangers. SG – Mould and leaking roof in A frame. AW – Need to make sure that tenants know who to contact.
    ACTION – CD – Send email round the community an email about the process to be followed if needed.
    LR – Can we do a regular catch up with tenants.
    ACTION – CD – to go round tenants by Feb meeting.
  12. Millburn Consultations Next Steps
    JH – Would like to get both the Knoydart Tree Nursery and the Knoydart Farm consultations out by end of this week. This will allow people time to respond, leading to a single item meeting prior to Feb Meeting to make a decision.
    ACTION – ALL DIRECTORS – Finalise consultation document and send to groups involved.
  13. Discuss Updating Format of Action and Priority List – parked for Feb meeting
  14. Delegation of Authority
    AW – Can we move this to the March 2023 Directors meeting once Reagan is here. Do we need subcommittees now that we have a Treasurer and Secretary. I think we need to have a single item agenda. Can Denise A do a handover.
    ACTION – SG AND LR – Meet with Denise to do a handover
    Items for information only
  15. Son-Rise Allocation
    CD – Gave an overview of how and when the KF needs the A-frame. Middle two quarters of the year there are no spaces in the A-Frame. CD – there may be a possibility to share recruitment process with other community bodies for volunteer room.
    ACTION – CD – talk to SH about pub sharing recruitment.
  16. KF Duty of Care to Employees
    JH – As a new board I would