Ranger News

Review of the Ranger Year 2017 Please click the link below to download and read the Ranger Newsletter for 2017. 01/01/70 Review of the Ranger Year 2016 Please follow us on facebook for up-to-date ranger news and details of forthcoming activities Latest News from the...

K15 Run

Thank you…and results! What a fantastic day! We had 14 runners in the 5k, 14 in the 10k, and eight in the 23k Trail Run. Thanks so much to the participants, as well as the sponsors and volunteers. Here are the results: 5k 1stClaire Gordon24:282ndCalum...

Summer Prize Draws

Knoydart Foundation 10th Anniversary Prize Draw, 2011 Many thanks to all those who bought tickets for the 2011 prize draw, with moneys going to Land Management projects. The draw was held on 3rd October 2011: winners are shown below. Weekend Break, donated by Knoydart...

Electric Quad Bike

Electric Quad 2016 update – after 5 years’ service, the quad is in Fort William with a number of things to fix. It may be sometime and we really miss it.  Hopefully some good news to report soon. 2010 The electric quad has now arrived and being...


We have a new member of staff in post. Gwen Barrell is our Powerdown Officer, responsible for reducing the carbon output of a peninsula that, despite enjoying the benefit of a clean, green hydro-electric scheme, still uses fossil fuels for heating, transport etc....

K10 Runs

Stop press 9th November: Goodybags and returned cheques for those who were unable to catch the boat are in the post! What a success! The Fun Run and the 10k went ahead as planned despite some horrendous weather which caused the cancellation of the Trail Run. Luckily...