Friends of Knoydart
Become a Friend
Make a donation
Become a Friend of Knoydart
Friends of Knoydart was established to create a long term relationship with those that visit, leave or those that have lived here on Knoydart over the years.
It’s a connection to this special place.
When people sign up to join Friends of Knoydart they get invited to special Friends only events, receive regular newsletters from the Knoydart Foundation and are asked for input into various aspects of Knoydart Life.
You can join as a family or as an individual.

Tour enquiries: - 07404977331
Accommodation enquiries: - 01687 347422 or 07448 384984
Shop enquiries: - 01687 347002
General enquiries: - 01687 462242
Knoydart Foundation, Knoydart Trading Ltd and Knoydart Renewables - Foundation Office - Inverie - Knoydart - PH41 4PL Registered in Scotland SC171248 Charity Limited by Guarantee SC026246 All content on this website is copyright of the Knoydart Foundation.