Minutes 14th June, 2021
Community Directors Meeting
Attending in person: Morag Anderson (Interim Chair), Sam Gardener, Ian Robertson
Attending Via Tele Conf: Denise Atherley,
Also Attending: Craig Dunn
Apologies: Richard Williams, Allan Henderson, Grant Holroyd (Chair)
Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn
The board agreed that MA should chair this meeting.
Declarations of Interest:
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes for 25/5, and 17/5 were approved.
Matters Arising:
- Priority List Review
The board agreed to add Jame Hilder and the Enterprising Boards work to Strategy.
The board agreed to add Worker Accommodation to the priority list.
CD gave an update on HR company comparisons.
It was agreed that the board will be involved in making the decision on the HR company.
Items for Decision - Housing Plan Draft 2021-2022 for circulation
Board agreed, once minor amendments made by GH have been made that it can go out to community – in Paper and Email format.
It was agreed that the increase in housing, and quid pro quo, population, should be consulted as part of the Housing Plan consultation. - RHB Next Steps
a. Agree criteria Document
The RHB Eligibility Criteria Document KF Shared Equity Eligibility FORM – Draft – 20210525 V4 was adopted by the board.
ACTION – CD – Organise Signing of Document
The board agreed to reopen the scheme with the caveat that the Burden and Policy may change after review.
ACTION – CD – send message to community
Items for Discussion - Financial Update
CD gave a financial update summary and fuller P&L was made available.
It was agreed that EQ would provide a summary at the next meeting.
Items for Information Only - Worker Accommodation
The board were informed that a discussion had taken place with various parties on accommodation for seasonal workers.
Existing plot at Sawmill Wood.
Board agreed not to take any further action on the compensation claim for plot at Sawmill wood.
Date of Next Meeting
12th July 2021