Community Directors Meeting via zoom and the Hall
5.00 p.m. 29th November 2021
Attending in person: Grant Holroyd (Chair), Anna Wilson, Davie Newton, Sam Gardener,
Attending via Zoom: Denise Atherley, Richard Williams, Allan Henderson
Also Attending: Craig Dunn,
Minutes taken by: CD
Declarations of Interest:
Approval of Minutes:
Matters Arising:
Items for Decision

  1. Morag and Bob’s RHB plot application
    GH explained the normal process and what he and Davie and Anna had discussed at the previous meeting which hadn’t been quorate to bring the rest of the board up to speed.
    There then followed a round the room discussion on the implications of this RHB application. A number of directors raised concerns about making a decision at the meeting.
    It was agreed that splitting the process into three steps would be a good idea.
    It was proposed and agreed to make no decision on the application at this stage, but to do so when the relevant documentation (Policy, Eligibility and Burden) had been reviewed and the community had been consulted.
    It was agreed to aim to have all this completed by the End of March 2022.
    A working group was set up
    Terms of Reference
    To review the policy and eligibility criteria document and look at possible multiple routes into RHB plot sales with a specific focus on applicants down-sizing.
    Membership of the Working Group
    DN, AW,SG and occasional input from RW
    Read documents by end of the year.
    First draft documents by end of January 2022.
    ACTION – CD – Send relevant documents to the group
    ACTION – CD – Add something on the Working Group to the newsletter
    ACTION – CD – Email BOB and Morag for an update.
    Items for Discussion
    Items for Information Only
    Date of Next Meeting
    13th December 2021