Attending: Grant Holroyd(Chair), Denise Atherley, Anna Wilson, Sam Gardener, Davie Newton, Richard Williams (Via zoom), Allan Henderson (Via zoom)

Also Attending: Jacqui Wallace, Stephanie Harris, Fiona Lennie, Tom Dalziel, Mark Harris, Danny Gorman (Via zoom), Helen Evemy (Via zoom), Kira Holroyd (Via zoom), Fiona Sorley (CHT Via Zoom), Morven Taylor (CHT Via Zoom)


Declarations of Interest

GH – Point 2 KFT, Point 7 Relative

DN – Point 7 Old Forge CBS

Minutes of Previous Meeting


Matters arising

To facilitate discussion with FL the board moved to point 6 on the Agenda before continuing with the agenda below.

Priority List

Review the list

CD gave an overview of the top three priorities on the list.

ACTION – CD to send round Recruitment policy for approval

Items for Decision

  • Millburn Cottage Renovation

CD gave a summary of the document that CHT produced for the board.

GH – Who’s responsible for ensuring the project is delivered on time, to spec and on budget?

FS – CHT and Ralph Ogg

GH – What do you need from the KF.

FS –  We need the Foundation to agree to recommendations put forward in the Update the CHT provided.

  • obtains more detailed costings, via negotiated or open tender
  • considers the procurement route, ensuring that it meets grant and loan funding criteria
  • agrees a design brief for the renovation and new builds
  • keeps both options for the renovation open for consideration (i.e. 3 x 1B and 2 x 2B/ 1 x 1B) until detailed costs are confirmed

There followed a series of questions on what options are open to the Foundation with regards to competitive tender and also question on the communications flow with regards to the Clerk of Works.

DN – raised a question about the drawings that had been made already, were they speculative.

FS – all drawings are speculative until awarded and contracted.  Things have changed, SG has a different narrative.  Grants are being scrutinised a lot more.

MT – Tendering has to be transparent if we’re going above the funding benchmark.  They need a technical assessment.

AH – Joined the meeting

GH – What basis will the tender be judged.

FS – Price/Quality – local experience, environmental factors.  Previous criteria percentages to be allocated.

GH – we have to define what “What quality” is

ACTION – CHT – define what “quality” is in terms of the tender

DN – Tender has to be tight on Transport and logistics otherwise we could find ourselves short on finance.

FS – We can go back and ask for clarification on prices in submitted tenders.

GH – who picks up the slack in over budget costs.

FS – On fixed price contract contractor pays.    Not in any one’s interests to have any un budgeted costs, so our due diligence is necessary.

GH – CHT is development agent, KF appoints the contractor and takes the risk.  CHT does the work.

AH – Will there be tenders submitted given the current situation in the Highlands?

FS – to protect the KF’s chances of getting the RHF

Board agreed to accept the CHT’s recommendations.

DN – Timeline – is it realistic to get the tenders out.

FS – Agreed the timeline is tight and may slide slightly.

DN – Funding question on what’s the package

CD – explained the funding.

GH – who’s job is it to find the money.

CHT – We would do the RHF application

GH – Action on CD to find the loan and the remain funding?

CHT – Yes, that’s what is required.

DN – Look at other housing projects and where we can get the money.   

ACTION – CD – to keep the board posted on progress for funding.

  • A-Frame Allocation

DN – Declared an interest.

GH – Declared an interest in terms of the Forest trust.

CD provided a brief of the current situation and asked to delay an allocation policy for this type of accommodation.

The board agreed.

ACTION – CD – to disclose who’s interested to the remaining board members and in what order they enquired to come to a decision.

JW – withdrew her interest

Items for Discussion

  • Project Officer Role

CD – are the board happy to accept the money and start recruiting for the project officer to handle the projects detailed by HIE.

AH – Coastal challenge funds available

Board agreed to

A discussion took place on funding the shortfall from within the projects.

ACTION – CD – Send round draft Job Description and send round timescales for recruitment

Items for Information Only

  • Trading Company Update

DN – gave a brief update on Trading position.

GH – What is the situation with the campsite?

GH – KT’s role is to make money.  The Foundation – will want to gain certain things from the campsite.   Assume that KF would want KT to make more money.  Other things etc Primary purpose, affordable accommodation for visitors.  KF would need reassurance that this was in the ethos of the campsite.  The Community use of the long beach area.  There needs to be a mechanism that the KF can have some kind of say on future development.

DN – There should be a discussion on rents and/or donations from Trading.

GH – Terms of the lease, we need to detail what the KF expects and other community benefits.  Suggested that at an Annual meeting, the KF updates its strategy for the following year.  Trading co’s commit to their part of the strategy.

DN – KF can budget based on how much money it is predicted to receive from the Trading co.


  • Meeting timings

Board agreed to try 9.00 a.m. for next monthly board meeting.

  • Natural Burial Ground

FL gave a summary of the steps she’s taken and an outline of the documents she had presented, as well as outstanding actions.

Sam Gardener joined the meeting.

GH – Asked a question on who’s going to do the work that needs doing and how are we going to pay for it?

AW – Suggested that others in the community help via a working group.

Board agreed to sending a round-robin email to the community asking for people to join a working group with the aim of rounding out a proposal to the Foundation board.

FL left the meeting.

  • Crofter Tenancy

CD – read out letter from DS about assignation of croft to KH.

The board acknowledge they’d received it and discussed it.

KH – gave an overview of the implications of the letter.

ACTION – CD – Send letter to DS to say we’ve received this letter and that we are aware that the process is happening. 

ACTION – CD – to confirm with John Leyshon if there is anything else we should consider.

  • Housing List.

DN – asked if there was a housing list.

CD confirmed there was.

  • Westfield

CD confirmed the sale was now progressing and expecting a sale within the month.  Nothing blocking the sale.

  • Airwave

DN looking for an update on the Airwave mast.

GH – walked the site with Toby and a map of best route for track was produced.

Kyle Smith has been in contact with the contractors and given them Bob and Toby’s contact details.

  • Plots

DN – where are we on plot sales.

ACTION – CD – Send email to JL on plots asking for update.

ACTION – CD – to get back to Tom and Jane on membership

Date of Next Meeting

21st February.