Knoydart Foundation
Monday 21st, October, 5:30 p.m. 2020 via Teleconf
Members present: Grant Holroyd (Chair), Allan Henderson, Ian Robertson, Morag Anderson, Jane Davies, Denise Atherley, Davie Newton, Craig Dunn, Liz Tibbetts, Frank Atherley, Jacqui Robertson, Lorna Schofield, Steve Brook, Audrey Dunn, Freya Holroyd, Kira Holroyd, Martin Davies, Lewis Robb, Jackie Wallace, Josh Gilbert, Andy Tibbetts
Also Present: Kirsten Harris
Minutes taken by: Craig Dunn
Apologies: Drew Harris, Iain Wilson, Richard Williams,
1. Approval of Minutes from 2019 AGM
MA Proposed
JW Seconded
2. Matters arising from minutes
3. Annual Report presentation
Thanks to AW for long and dedicated service.
Thanks to LC and CD for picking up the reigns
Thanks to all staff, volunteers, directors and community for ongoing support.
4. Adoption of Annual Report
Adopted by the members
5. Presentation of Accounts
IR proposal adopting Accounts
DN seconding accounts
6. Adoption of Annual Accounts
Members adopted the accounts
7. Appointment of Auditors/Independent Examiner
Propose EQ as Accountants
JD Seconded
Members approved appointment of EQ accountants
8. Election/Appointment of Board members/Office bearers
Thanks to JD for her work
JD thanked the board and the members and that she enjoyed her time
Welcome to Sam Gardener
Thanks to Iain Wilson – everyone thanked Iain for his long service.
9. Motions to be put to the board
10. AOB
DA – Thanks to GH for all hard work.
11. Closing Remarks