Knoydart Foundation Directors Meeting

Approved Minutes for Monday 11th March 2024

Knoydart Community Hall, 6pm

Attending: Davie Newton, Danny Gorman, Tom Harris, Kristy Brown, Corinna Calder, Margaret Aldington, Reagan Nunn, Calum Wilson, Tom Dalziel, Steve Brook, Sarah Wilson, Sara Donald

Apologies: RichardWilliamson

Declarations of Interest: None

Minutes of Previous Meetings inc. single item agenda meetings

February Board Meeting minutes- Approved.

Matters arising

Matters arising and actions from Last Meeting:

  • Maps- on this agenda, see below.
  • Millburn Lease’s- on this agenda, no progression, to be agreed by board via email.
  • Place Plan- DG has emailed Philip Evemy to arrange a chat- ongoing.


  1. Knoydart Trading Update – including info on curing shed. Liz has emailed an update, delivered by DN.
  2. Finalising end of year accounts. £6k corporation tax liability and £20K profit, auditors have asked for guidance on a level of donation to KF, going back to auditor for clarity as unclear. Also waiting on KRL end of year accounts as this will affect corporation tax.
  3. Building a new curing shed/smoke house and new horse shelter. 10mx4m. Plan to go beside larder. Need to apply for planning. Some funding involved. Funding for shed built through KF and internals KT owned. A lease will be agreed to KT to rent the building.

KT-Would like the go ahead from the board- all board agree.

AP- DN to put out a picture to community before it goes to planning.

Liz Tibbets joins the meeting- completes KT Update.

  • Shop stocking up with merchandise.
  • Accommodation bookings are going well.
  • Thanks to David and Sarah for looking after the bunkhouse will accommodation team have been away. Also for preparing the caravan for the new accommodation assistant.
  • KRL update- Tom Dalziel
  • Progressive planning for undergrounding is proceeding.
  • Village low voltage circuit breaker has been fixed.
  • Next full board meeting Wednesday 10th April- Review Tariff Structure- Notification will go out in advance.
  • Eigg Electric coming to visit in May and planning a reciprocal visit.
  • Ops Meeting Wednesday this week- will send copy of the report for March to Davie after the meeting.
  • Foundation Office update
  • Day to day activities
  • Reviewing contracts for photocopier
  • Cancelled HR and HubSpot accounts.
  • Updating tenant’s welcome pack

Items for decision/record

  • Leases Millburn – review date and discussion. Ongoing- To be agreed by email.
  • House plots to go to consultation – This has been emailed out for community consultation today.
  • Set down area at Millburn for KRL- Map Available- Board Agrees

AP- DN to inform John Murdo of plans.

  • Continuation of Corinna role- DN, TD, LT as the three chairs had probationary meeting with Corinna and have agreed to continuing her position on to a permanent one.
  • Continuation of Sara role-
  • DN talked to SD today and talked to HIE previously. Have discussed an extension of SD role to fill the 3rd position in the office.
  • Proposal that housing role hours reduce to 28 hours at the same salary. Have 10 months continuation from HIE at 80% intervention rate. Additional role for house maintenance (10 hours) that would be funded by KF.
  • SD currently focused on just housing and projects. This is a core part of the 3rd role but there is additional stuff that is currently being missed.
  • DN suggests that some of his current roles should be included such as discussion with accountants, interactions with other organisations e.g. community land Scotland, DETAS.  Also collating business plans and budgets. Reports for meetings. Budgets from staff. HR stuff- line management.
  • Discussion around need to advertise this role. Agreement that as it is not funded there is no obligation to, decision made by board not to advertise this position.
  • Board agrees to moving forward with this in principle

AP- DN To move this forward.

  • A-Frame allocation- Allocated to Dave Smith. Single Item Agenda Meeting.

AP- DN to send minutes to Calum and Sara


  1. Accommodation Project Officer report- SD. Written Report Available.

NB: The de-risking mentioned in the report is about being able to go to contractors with information about where they can have their stuff, accommodation units, etc. KF are also looking at potential to get own plant in rather than bringing it in for every job e.g. fork lift. HIE have been keen on this.

Items for discussion

  1. Audit- Been in touch with a lot of questions including identity checks and safeguarding of operations.

DN- seems over the top. E.g. 13 qn for every type of I.T system that is used.

  1. Place Plan- ongoing.
  2. Recruitment – identify operations role required- 3rd role, as discussed above.
  3. Legal representation- mixed response. John Leyshon has been very good on a house sale but has 2 outstanding items.


  1. New director- Calum Wilson to take interim position. Board agrees.
  2. Printers. To stop current contract and buy a printer without maintenance contract. Board agrees.

Date of Next Meeting: 15.04.2024 6pm @ Hall